November 21, 2014 Special Highway Committee Meeting



Chairman Flease called the special meeting of the Waupaca County Highway Committee to order at 9 a.m. at the Waupaca Highway Office. Open meeting statement was noted.


Members present – Chairman Flease and Supervisors Jonely, Aasen, McClone and Much.


Also present Jill Lodewegen Administrative Assistant and Dean Steingraber Commissioner.


MOTION Jonely/McClone to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2014 regular Committee Meeting.  Carried without a negative vote.


MOTION Much/McClone to approve the November 21, 2014 amended meeting agenda of the Highway Committee with moving the appointment to 11 a.m. and adjourning out of closed session after appointment.  Carried without a negative vote


MOTION Much/Jonely to go into Closed Session Pursuant to WI State Statues 19.85 (1)( c )  for the purpose of considering the compensation of highway foreman over which the government body has jurisdiction or exercise responsibility. Carried without a negative vote. Roll call: Flease, Jonely, Aasen, McClone, and Much.


MOTION McClone/Much to come out of closed session. Carried without a negative vote. Roll call: Flease, Jonely, Aasen, McClone and Much.


Supervisor Aasen left the meeting. Ryan Brown from the Waupaca County Planning & Zoning and Richard Carlson of Silton, Seifert, Carlson SC joined the meeting at approximately 11 a.m. Chapter 34, section 2 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances and the CTH E utility dispute with AT&T was discussed. MOTION Much/McClone for Mr. Carlson to write a letter to AT&T outlining Waupaca County’s position. Carried without a negative vote.


MOTION Much/Jonely to adjourn at 12:05 p.m.  Carried without a negative vote


Respectfully submitted,




Jill Lodewegen

Administrative Assistant