August 8, 2014 Highway Committee Meeting


Vice-Chairman Jonely called the meeting of the Waupaca County Highway Committee to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Waupaca County Highway office.


Members present – Vice-Chairman Jonely, Supervisors Much and McClone.  Chair Flease and Supervisor Aasen excused.


Also present: Mike Krueger, Equipment & Facilities Superintendent, Greg Blonde, UWEX, Eric Peterson Airing Equipment, Jill Lodewegen, Administrative Assistant,   Dean Steingraber, Highway Commissioner.


Vice-Chairman Jonely presented the open meeting statement.


MOTION McClone/Much to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2014 regular Committee Meeting.  Passed, voice vote.


MOTION Much/McClone to approve the August 8, 2014 meeting agenda of the Highway Committee.  Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Krueger discussed shop operations with the committee.


Mr. Blonde and the committee discussed ACT 377 regarding options of local governments regarding IoH and AG CMV operations.  They discussed forming a committee to discuss which option to take. They discussed that once an option was selected for the County, having public input on what option other municipalities may choice, what the permit process would be, educating all involved and then the final implementation of the program.


The Committee members reviewed one (1) bill batch dated July 31, 2014.  MOTION McClone/Much to approve the bill batch as presented.  Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber distributed the Commissioner’s Report which included;


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee approve the Change Order between the County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation and MSA for $5,487.48 for the CTH “E” (Waushara County Line to High Point Ridge) Design/Right of Way project. MOTION Much/McClone to approve the Change Order between the County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation and MSA for $5,487.48 for the CTH “E” (Waushara County Line to High Point Ridge) Design/Right of Way project. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee approve the Amendment to Routine Maintenance Agreement with the State of Wisconsin for an additional $166,700 to offset some of the above normal winter maintenance efforts provided by the county between January and April of 2015. MOTION McClone/Much to approve the Amendment to Routine Maintenance Agreement with the State of Wisconsin for an additional $166,700 to offset some of the above normal winter maintenance efforts provided by the county between January and April of 2015. Passed, voice vote.




MOTION Jonely/Much to adjourn at 12:15 p.m..  Passed, voice vote.


Respectfully submitted,




Jill Lodewegen, Administrative Assistant