July 14, 2014 Highway Committee Meeting


Chairman Flease called the meeting of the Waupaca County Highway Committee to order at 8:00 a.m. in the Waupaca County Highway office.


Members present – Chairman Flease, Supervisors Jonely, Much and McClone.  Supervisor Aasen was excused.


Also present: Chris Klein, Town of Dayton Chair, Jill Lodewegen, Administrative Assistant,   Dean Steingraber, Highway Commissioner.


Chairman Flease presented the open meeting statement.


MOTION McClone/Jonely to approve the minutes of the June 24, 2014 regular Committee Meeting.  Passed, voice vote.


MOTION Jonely/Much to approve the July 14, 2014  meeting agenda of the Highway Committee.  Passed, voice vote.


The Committee members reviewed two (2) bill batches both dated July 3, 2014.  MOTION Jonely/Much to approve the bill batches as presented.  Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Klein joined the meeting noting that he had seen that CTH “K”/Little Hope Dam is item number 19 on the agenda. Mr. Steingraber stated that a motion had been made at the previous meeting on June 24 stating that the Highway Department would not have any expenses related to planning, design, and reconstruction of CTH “K” and/or bridge as it relates to any removal or replacing of the dam.


Mr. Steingraber distributed the Commissioner’s Report which included;


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee approve the CTH “E” (Waushara County Line to High Point Ridge) revised State/Municipal Agreement that increases the County portion of the project from 1.1 million to 1.8 million dollars due to the improved intersections. MOTION McClone/Much to approve the CTH “E” (Waushara County Line to High Point Ridge) revised State/Municipal Agreement that increases the Count portion of the project from 1.1 million to 1.8 million dollars due to the improved intersections. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber discussed the cost differential regarding the Town of Larrabee request for a walking and biking lane along a section of CTH “I” to be considered while the department is recondition the section for CTH “I” between USH 45 and Shawano County Line . He will present those cost to the Town of Larrabee, Matteson and City of Clintonville to determine if they would like to share that additional cost.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee accept the Request for Proposal for real estate services for the CTH “I” project from Steigerwaldt Land Services, Inc. MOTION Jonely/Much to accept the Request for Proposal for real estate services for the CTH “I” project from Steigerwaldt Land Services, Inc. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber asked the committee to accept the resignation of Roger Hansen effective July 17, 2014.  MOTION Jonely/McClone to accept the resignation of Roger Hansen effective July 17, 2014.  Passed, voice vote.


The committee reviewed a resolution thanking Roger Hansen for his over 40 years of service as of his retirement date of July 17, 2014. MOTION Jonely/Much to approve a resolution thanking Roger Hansen for over 40 years of service at the Waupaca County Highway Department.  Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber discussed the status of current projects and working only 40 hours per week with no overtime. MOTION McClone/Jonely to have construction crews on CTH “B”, “F” and “T” start working four 12 hour days for one month and have Mr. Steingraber report back on the progress on the projects and money spent after that month. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber discussed certificate of appreciation for two employee discussing with the committee how they should be presented. The committee requested that the employees attend the next Highway Committee Meeting scheduled for July 24, 2014 to be presented to them. MOTION Much/McClone to sign certificates of appreciation for two employees and present at the July 24 Highway Committee meeting. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber requested creating an Engineer Technician Position.  MOTION McClone/Jonely to create an Engineer Technician Position which would be advertised internally after the JDQ and grading process was complete. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee set the 2014/2015 salt prices effective August 1, 2014 at $67 a ton for customers with service agreements and $73.70 a ton for customers without service agreements. MOTION McClone/Much to set the 2014-2015 salt prices effective August 1, 2014 at $67 a ton for customers with service agreements and $73.70 a ton for customers without service agreements. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee accept the propane bid of $1.549 a gallon from Larsen Coop. MOTION Jonely/Much to accept the propane bid of $1.549 a gallon from Larsen Coop. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber discussed using Gee Asphalt Systems Inc. to seal CTH “X”, CTH “W” and CTH “D” in the New London Area at a cost of $24,793 rather than using chip sealing . MOTION Jonely/Much to use Gee Asphalt Systems Inc. to seal CTH “X”, CTH “W” and CTH “D” in the New London Area at a cost of $24,793.  Passed, voice vote.


It was discussed that the next meeting would be held Thursday July 24 at 9 a.m.


MOTION McClone/Jonely to adjourn at 9:45 a.m..  Passed, voice vote.


Respectfully submitted,




Jill Lodewegen, Administrative Assistant