August 8, 2013 Highway Committee Meeting


Chairman Flease called the regular meeting of the Waupaca County Highway Committee to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Waupaca County Highway Department office building.


Members present – Chairman Flease, Supervisors Aasen, Jonely and Peterson. Supervisor Mares was excused.


Also present:  Jill Lodewegen, Administrative Assistant and Dean Steingraber, Highway Commissioner.


Chairman Flease presented the open meeting statement.


MOTION Peterson/Jonely to approve the minutes of the July 26, 2013 regular Committee Meeting.  Passed, voice vote.


MOTION Jonely/Peterson to approve the revised August 8 ,2013 regular meeting agenda of the Highway Committee with the CTH “Y” Advertising for CHI project.  Passed, voice vote.


Heidi Dombrowski, Finance Director for Waupaca County was asked to attend the meeting to discuss concerns with the winter maintenance budget due to the heavy winter. She discussed what will happen if the remainder of the winter budget is used up right away this fall/winter and what funds that money will then have to come out of. She said that she will continue to update the committee.


The Committee members reviewed one (1) bill batch printout dated August 1, 2013.  MOTION Peterson/Jonely to approve the bill batches as presented.  Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber gave the Commissioner’s Report.


At approximately 9:50 a.m. Supervisor Aasen left the meeting to return at approximately 11 a.m. At approximately 10 a.m., Supervisor Mares joined the meeting after attending the Public Property meeting.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee approve a Speed Ordinance for CTH “E” reducing the speed to 35 mph from a point 415’ north of Spencer Lake Road to a point 528’ south of CTH “EE”. MOTION Peterson/Mares to approve a Speed Ordinance for CTH “E” reducing the speed to 35 mph from a point 415’ north of Spencer Lake Road to a point 528’ south of CTH “EE”. Passed, voice vote.




Mr. Steingraber requested that the committee allow the Highway Department to advertise for asphalt production for the CTH “Y” (CTH “I” to STH 156) project which is a Local Road Improvement Program CHI project. MOTION Peterson/Aasen to advertised for asphalt production for the CTH “Y” (CTH “I” to STH 156) CHI project. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee approve the 2014 Highway Budget draft numbers with a 0% tax levy increase. MOTION Peterson/Jonely to approve the 2014 Highway Budget draft numbers with a 0% tax levy increase. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber discussed with the committee the application for an additional access on CTH “T” by Shirley Steingraber to add a commercial access to a parcel that already has a residential access.  MOTION Jonely/Peterson to break the access ordinance to add one commercial entrance to the CTH “T” Shirley Steingraber parcel. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Eric Peterson from Aring Equipment Inc., updated the committee on his company and thanked them for their past business.


Mr. Nick Scholtes of Corre Inc discussed with the committee what Corre Inc., (an engineering company) had to offer and asked that the committee consider using Corre Inc. for future projects.


 MOTION Aasen/Peterson to adjourn at 11:37 a.m.  Passed, voice vote.


Respectfully submitted,




Jill Lodewegen, Administrative Assistant