July 26, 2013 Highway Committee Meeting


Chairman Flease called the regular meeting of the Waupaca County Highway Committee to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Waupaca County Highway Department office building.


Members present – Chairman Flease, Supervisors Aasen, and Peterson. Supervisors Jonely and Mares were excused.


Also present:  Dean Steingraber, Highway Commissioner.


Chairman Flease presented the open meeting statement.


MOTION Peterson/Aasen to approve the minutes of the June 28, 2013 regular Committee Meeting.  Passed, voice vote.


MOTION Aasen/Peterson to approve the Agenda of the July 26, 2013 regular meeting of the Highway Committee.  Passed, voice vote.


The Committee members reviewed three (3) bill batch printouts dated July 3, 18 and 23, 2013.  MOTION Peterson/Aasen to approve the bill batches as presented.  Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber gave the Commissioner’s Report.


Mr. Mike Exford and Ms. Angie Kerrigan from Mead & Hunt joined the meeting and discussed the progress of the CTH “J” bridge design project.


Mr. Steingraber recommended the Committee approve the offering price negotiated for the CTH “C” Bridge Replacement Parcels 1. MOTION Peterson/Aasen to approve the offering price of $1,900.00 for Parcel No 1(Much). Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the Committee sign the CTH “D” (Spurr Road to USH 45) absence of need for pedestrian accommodations resolution 2013-004. MOTION Aasen/Peterson to sign resolution 2013-004. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee approve a Jurisdictional Offer for CTH “T” (Collier Road to CTH “N”) parcel #36 (Blue Sky Enterprises, LLC) for $4,200. MOTION Peterson/Aasen to approve a Jurisdictional Offer for CTH “T” (Collier Road to CTH “N”) parcel #36 (Blue Sky Enterprises, LLC) for $4,200. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee approve the Town of St. Lawrence (Knutson Lake Road) 50/50 Bridge Petition. MOTION Aasen/Peterson to approve the Town of St. Lawrence (Knutson Lake Road) Bridge Petition for $30,000.00. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the Committee approve the quote from AWS (a software support company for scales) of $1,550. MOTION Peterson/Aasen to approve the $1,550 quote from AWS. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the Committee approve the quote from GEE Asphalt System to seal the parking lot at the Waupaca shop, CTH “X” and CTH “E” for $20,812. MOTION Aasen/Peterson to approve the quote from GEE Asphalt System for $20,812. Passed, voice vote.


 MOTION Peterson/Aasen to adjourn at 11:30 a.m.  Passed, voice vote.


Respectfully submitted,




Don Aasen, Highway Committee Supervisor