September 21, 2012 Highway Committee Meeting


Chairman Flease called the regular meeting and Fall Road Tour of the Waupaca County Highway Committee to order at 8:00 a.m. in the Waupaca County Highway Department office building.


Members present – Chairman Flease, Supervisors Aasen, Jonely, Mares and Peterson.


Also present were Dean Steingraber, Highway Commissioner, Jill Lodewegen, Administrative Assistant and Highway Worker Dennis Conradt.


Chairman Flease presented the open meeting statement.


MOTION Jonely/Peterson to approve the minutes of the September 6, 2012 regular meeting of the Highway Committee.  Passed, voice vote.


MOTION Aasen/Mares to approve the Agenda of the September 21, 2012 regular meeting of the Highway Committee as they were presented.  Passed, voice vote.


The committee presented Dennis Conradt with a plaque, certificate and resolution thanking him for his over 30 years of service as of his retirement date of September 28, 2012. MOTION Peterson/Mares to approve a resolution thanking Dennis Conradt for over 30 years of service at the Waupaca County Highway Department.  Passed, voice vote.


The Committee members reviewed 1 bill batch printout dated 9/13/12.  MOTION Jonely/Peterson to approve the bill batch as presented.  Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber presented the following reports for the committees review: Capital Improvement Project Fund Report, Summary of All Jobs as of 9/15/12, Routine Maintenance report through August 2012, Year to Date Service and Non Service agreement thru August 2012, Machinery Comparison report for August 2012 and the current work schedule.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee approve the revised Right of Way Plat and Relocation Order for the CTH “T” project from Collier Road to CTH “N”.  MOTION Mares/Peterson to approve the revised Right of Way Plat and Relocation Order for the CTH “T” project from Collier Road to CTH “N”. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended the committee approve applying for the 80/20 federal funding for the rehabilitation of the CTH “J” bridge in the Town of Wyoming. MOTION Peterson/Aasen to approve applying for the 80/20 federal funding for the rehabilitation of the CTH “J” bridge in the Town of Wyoming. Passed, voice vote.


At 9 a.m. the Committee, less supervisor Aasen who was excused, began the county road tour.


They reviewed:


They stopped for lunch at Crystal Caf้ in Iola.


The tour continued as follows:


They returned to the Waupaca office at 1:30 p.m. and adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,





Dean E. Steingraber, Highway Commissioner           Jill Lodewegen, Administrative Assistant