June 14, 2012 Highway Committee Meeting


Chairman Flease called the regular meeting of the Waupaca County Highway Committee to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Waupaca County Highway Department office building.


Members present – Chairman Flease, Supervisors Aasen, Jonely, Mares and Peterson.


Also present were Dean Steingraber, Highway Commissioner, and Jill Lodewegen, Confidential Administrative Assistant.


Chairman Flease presented the open meeting statement.


MOTION Mares/Peterson to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2012 regular meeting of the Highway Committee.  Passed, voice vote.


MOTION Jonely/Mares to approve the Agenda of the June 14, 2012 regular meeting of the Highway Committee as they were presented.  Passed, voice vote.


Les Prochnow, Chairman for the Town of Lebanon joined the meeting.  The discussion revolved around the safety concerns for the current intersection of CTH “T” and Tank Road. The Town reviewed the cost estimation to add a round-about to the current reconstruction design of CTH “T” instead of the four way stop that was currently planned. Mr. Prochnow agreed to take the cost back to the Town of Lebanon board to consider a 50/50 cost share with the County which is estimated to be approximately $100,000 each. If an agreement is made, a contract will be written up between the Town of Lebanon and the County stating the terms of the agreement.


The Committee members reviewed 2 bill batch printouts dated 5/23/2012 and 6/7/12.  MOTION Mares/Peterson to approve the bill batch as presented.  Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber gave the Commissioner’s Report.


There was no action on agenda item 2.


Mr. Steingraber reviewed the rehabilitation report for the CTH “B” bridge. He recommended the option of replacing the bridge once it has deteriorated due to the cost per year value for the replacement is the same as the least expensive option.  MOTION Mares/Jonely choose the replacement option for the CTH “B” bridge once the current bridge deteriorated in approximately 10 years.   Passed, voice vote.


There was no action on agenda item 4.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee add 4 feet of width to the CTH “C” bridge design for an additional cost to Waupaca County of $38,500 that would not be under Federal 80%/County 20% bridge program.   MOTION Aasen/Peterson to approve the addition of 4 feet of width to the CTH “C” bridge design for an additional cost to Waupaca County of $38, 500.  Passed, voice vote.


There was no action on agenda item 6 and 7.

Mr. Steingraber discussed the railing options that are available for the CTH “C” bridge project. He noted that the Federal program allows for some design elements to fit in with the location of the bridge. Options included standard railings, painted railings, designs stamped into the concrete work etc.  MOTION Jonely/Peterson to go with standard railings on the CTH “C” bridge project. Passed, voice vote, Aasen opposed.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee sign the resolution to of the CTH “EE” and Spencer Lake Road Jurisdictional Transfer with the Township of Lind to be completed by the end this summer. MOTION Jonely/Mares to sign the resolution of the CTH “EE” and Spencer Lake Road Jurisdictional Transfer. Passed, voice vote.


There was no action on agenda item 9 and 10


Mr. Steingraber discussed the CTH “J” bridge rehabilitation report prepared by OMNNI Associates, Inc. and recommended both options 1 and 2 of the report ranging from $12,000 to $13,100. MOTION Mares/Peterson to accept options 1 and 2 of the CTH “J” bridge rehabilitation report prepared by OMNNI Associates Inc. Passed, voice vote.


There was no action on agenda item 12.


Mr. Steingraber recommended the committee have the Robert E Lee company do a study of the ditching needed on the CTH “T” project at the Bob Most property for $2,500. MOTION Peterson/Mares to do a study of the ditching needed on the CTH “T” project at the Bob Most property for $2,500. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended the supplemental agreement for engineering service for the CTH “T” project with OMNNI Associates, Inc. for $2,500 for additional borings. MOTION Mares/Peterson to the supplemental agreement for engineering service for the CTH “T” project with OMNNI Associates, Inc. for $2,500 for additional boring. Passed, voice vote.


Mr. Steingraber asked the committee to accept the resignation of Doug Nelson effective June 20, 2012.  MOTION Jonely/Mares to accept the resignation of Doug Nelson effective June 20, 2012.  Passed, voice vote.


There was no action on agenda item 15.


Mr. Steingraber recommended the replacement of two Tri-Axle Dump Boxes for a total of $26,000. MOTION Peterson/Jonely to replace two Tri-Axle Dump Boxes for $26,000. Passed, voice vote.



MOTION Peterson/Mares to adjourn at 11:30 a.m.  Passed, voice vote.


Respectfully submitted,




Jill Lodewegen, Confidential Administrative Assistant