
 Waupaca County Finance and Human Resource Committee

Minutes – February 11, 2015


Vice Chr. Barrington called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and gave the opening meeting statement. 


Roll Call:  Chr. Federwitz--excused, Suprs. Barrington, Craig, Flease, G. Murphy, Penney, Neumann and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen, all members present.  Others present:  Mary Robbins, Heidi Dombrowski, Joel Mikulsky (MC&E), Clyde Tellock, Amanda Welch, Sheriff Hardel, Nick Carlin, Bob Reath, Mike Mazemke, Megan Feirtag, Jesse Cuff, Roger Holman and Dean Steingraber.


Review and Approve Agenda.  Motion:  Supr. Flease moved and Supr. G. Murphy seconded the motion to approve the agenda with the closed session added and posted properly and to move Information Systems forward on the agenda.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Minutes of the previous meeting, January 14, 2015.  Motion: Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen moved and Supr. Neumann seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meetings.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Public Input. – None.


Information Systems – Director’s Report-Robert Reath.   Joel Mikulsky reviewed the additional costs to the fiber optic project; there are additional costs due to the cable 40 % has to go underground.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Penney seconded the motion to approve Multimedia Communications & Engineering’s (MC&E) recommendations and proceed with project route engineering and bid specifications, costs not to exceed $63,500.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Motion to pay monthly bills:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Flease seconded the motion to pay the bills.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Finance Director’s Report – Heidi Dombrowski.  No report on 2015 at this early date.  Update as of 12/31/2014 – 2014 Budget was presented to the committee.  Reviewed the 2014 General Fund – Fund Balance Analysis.  Over Policy by $1,418,129.  Health & Human Services still needs to book some revenue.


Res. No. 24 Budget Amendment for the Upgrades to the Courtrooms.  A transfer of $100,000 to the Clerk of Courts budget for an increase to the upgrade of the Courtrooms sound and visual systems.  MC&E Joe Mikulsky is helping with the project.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Murphy seconded the motion to approve and forward Res. No. 24 to the full county board for the $100,000 budget amendment transfer for courtroom upgrades.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Vouchers:  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Flease seconded the motion to approve the monthly vouchers.  The motion carried with Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen abstaining from the vote.


Treasurer’s Report- Treasurer Clyde Tellock.  Treasurer’s Report was distributed and placed on file.  Cash on hand of $7,727,391.11.  Reviewed:  Investments, Tax Certificates, County Sales Tax, Interest on Delinquent Taxes, and Interest on Investments.  County Sales Tax is showing very well.


Human Resource Director Amanda Welch.  Mandy presented her monthly report; recruitment & terminations, wage/benefit issues, labor relations; which is on file in the Clerk’s office.  Mandy updated the committee on the troubles with Anthem BlueShield/BlueCross Health Insurance prescription drug issues at the beginning of the year and now their information has been hacked for all of their participants.  Waupaca County will be going out for insurance bids this summer.


Reclassification Adjustments for Highway Dept. and Lakeview Manor.  Mandy explained that at Lakeview Manor the position of Resident Service Coordinator was downgraded last year and the person in the position had left, they would like to bring that position back up to a L3 grade, and this position would be the second in command at Lakeview, since that time the person in this position has come back and does hold a Nursing Home Administrator’s license.  Motion:  Supr. Penney moved and Supr. G. Murphy seconded the motion to approve the reclassification.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


The Highway Dept. position would only be in name only from Patrol Superintendent to Assistant Field Superintendent and to move forward to fill the position.  Motion:  Supr. Flease moved and Supr. Neuman seconded the motion to approve the title change and to fill the position of Assistant Field Superintendent at the Highway Department.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


ADA (American Disability Act) Request for accommodation.  An employee has requested vision equipment for their medical low vision situation, the equipment will cost approximately $3,000.  Discussion on funding.  Finance Director Dombrowski felt ADA requests should be funded through our Risk Management Fund; she will set up a separate line item under that budget.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. G. Murphy seconded the motion to approve the purchase not to exceed $3,000 for the vision impairment equipment from the Risk Management account.  The motion was carried without a negative vote. 


Concerning ADA Supr. Flease brought up that the parking lot should have more handicapped accessible parking stalls and they need to be repainted for more visibility.  He thinks the loading zone parking area should be gone.  This issue should be referred to the Public Property Committee for further review and study.


County Clerk – Mary Robbins. 

            Per Diem & Mileage expense:  Per Diem and Mileage total for the month of January is $14,977.63.  Motion:  Supr. Flease moved and Supr. Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen seconded the motion to approve the per diem and mileage expenses.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


            Dog License Reimbursement.  Motion:  Supr. Neuman moved and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen seconded the motion to approve to reimburse municipalities, total amount:  $14,689.53. The motion carried without a negative vote.


            Insurance Report.  Insurance claims report was distributed to all members and placed on file.


Next meeting will be Wednesday, March 11, 2015.


Closed Session Motion:  Supr. Neuman moved and Supr. Penney seconded the motion to go into closed session per Wis. State Stats. Sec. 19.85 (1)(c) for the purpose of consideration of individual employee performance of an employee which the governmental body has jurisdiction over.  Roll call Vote: Chr. Federwitz--excused, Suprs. Barrington-yes, Craig-yes, Flease-yes, G. Murphy-yes, Penney-yes, Neumann-yes and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen-yes.



Motion to Adjourn in Closed Session at 11:05. Supr. Flease moved and Supr. G. Murphy seconded the motion to adjourn in closed session.  Roll call Vote: Chr. Federwitz--excused, Suprs. Barrington-yes, Craig-yes, Flease-yes, G. Murphy-yes, Penney-yes, Neumann-yes and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen-yes.


Mary A. Robbins, County Clerk







These minutes will be posted to the website prior to approval from the committee and are considered to be in draft form until approved at the next scheduled meeting.