Waupaca County Joint Finance/Human Resource

And Lakeview Manor Committees

Minutes – April 22, 2014


Chr. Barrington called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. and gave the opening meeting statement. 


Roll Call:  Lakeview Manor Committee Chr. Barrington, Johnson, Sorensen, Penney, Handrich and Finance/HR Committee:  Chr. Federwitz, Craig, Federwitz, Flease, G. Murphy, Penney and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen, Supr. Neumann was excused.  Others present:  County Clerk/Admin. Coordinator Mary Robbins and HR Director Mandy Welch.


Review and Approve Agenda.  Motion:  Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen moved and Supr. G. Murphy seconded the motion to approve the agenda. The motion carried without a negative vote.


Public Input. There was no Public Comment.




Motion:  Supr. Sorensen moved and Supr. G. Murphy seconded the motion to go into closed session pursuant to Wis. State Statutes Sec. 19.85 (1)(c) hiring Lakeview Manor Administrator.  Roll call vote: Committee Chr. Barrington, Johnson, Sorensen, Penney, Handrich and Finance/HR Committee:  Chr. Federwitz, Craig, Federwitz, Flease, G. Murphy, Penney and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen, all voting aye.


MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN SESSION.  Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen moved to go back into open session.  Roll call vote:  Barrington, Johnson, Sorensen, Penney, Handrich and Finance/HR Committee:  Chr. Federwitz, Craig, Federwitz, Flease, G. Murphy, Penney and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen, all voting aye.




The committee announced that they have offered the position of Lakeview Manor Administrator to Ms. Megan Feirtag with a middle of May start date, all conditions to be worked out with Human Resources Department.


ADJOURN.  Motion:  Supr. Flease moved and Supr. Federwitz seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 a.m.  The motion carried.


Mary A. Robbins, County Clerk