Waupaca County Finance and Human Resource Committee

Minutes – September 20, 2013


Chr. Loughrin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and gave the opening meeting statement. 


Roll Call:  Chr. Loughrin, Suprs. Barrington, Craig, Federwitz, Flease, G. Murphy, Penney and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen-arrived at 9:05 a.m. all members present.  Others present:  Mary Robbins, Heidi Dombrowski, Clyde Tellock, Chuck Price, Ryan Brown, Jeff Siewert, Mike Mazemke, Mike Koles, Wayne Knutson, Terrie Tews-Liebe, Roger Holman, Dave Thiel, Chris Dalhoe, Brad Hardel, Al Kraeger, Mandy Welch, Melissa Drews.


Review and Approve Agenda.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Barrington seconded the motion to approve the agenda. The motion carried without a negative vote.


Public Comment. – None.




County Treasurer’s 2014 Budget – Clyde Tellock.  1.99% increase. Heidi explained that she put capital projects back into the individual budgets to accurately show which department is seeking the project.  So it shows a $10,000 increase but it was actually levied in 2013.  The increase in this budget is due to lower revenue.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Federwitz seconded the motion to approve this budget subject to further review.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Finance Director Heidi Dombrowski.  Heidi reviewed the Summary of Waupaca County’s Year 2014 Proposed Operating, Special Purpose and Debt Service Budgets.  For 2014 the budget will increase $680,000 or 2.91% combined total, levy increase of 2.16%.   Heidi mentioned that this doesn’t include any cost of living increases or new positions. 


Heidi reviewed the analysis of levy increase to the 2014 budget.  General Fund Increase - $800,214.  She explained that she put the Human Resources Neo-Gov Contract for applicant efficiencies for $13,310 in the budget on her own, it hasn’t been to the HR Committee yet, but she feels so strongly that this would be beneficial to the efficiencies of the county.  Discussion on salary increase, a 1% increase across the board would be approx. $250,000 and would go a long way to help the morale, other than the step increases there hasn’t been a raise in about 3 years.


Heidi feels confident that we could safely lower the Contingency Fund to $100,000.  Jail Revenue had an estimated increase of $250,000; however, an anticipated additional $85,000 increase is needed to fund the Detective Position that was approved at County Board to an increase of $335,000.


The committee reviewed capital projects fund.  All levy funded projects have been moved to the associated fund.  Supr. Flease spoke on the potential of creating a list of pickup trucks, skid steers, and large lawn mowers, equipment that other department could bring to Highway Dept. to put in a bid with their equipment or to share each other’s equipment and trucks.  Supr. Flease said that departments should put together a list and bring it back to the Finance/HR Committee on Oct. 9th meeting.


Next meeting will be Wed. October 9th at 9:00 a.m. It will hopefully be the final budget meeting, plan to stay after lunch.


Adjourn.  Motion:  Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen moved and Supr. Penney seconded the motion to adjourn at 10:50 a.m.  The motion carried without a negative vote.  Meeting was adjourned.


Mary A. Robbins, County Clerk