Waupaca County Finance and Human Resource Committee

Minutes – June 13, 2012


Chr. Loughrin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and gave the opening meeting statement. 


Roll Call:  Chr. Loughrin, Suprs. Barrington, Craig, Federwitz, Flease, G. Murphy, Penney and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen, all members present.  Others present:  Mary Robbins, Heidi Dombrowski, Susan Richards, Gail Hart, Dave Thiel, Wayne Knutson, Christel Schuelke, Jeff Siewert, Brad Hardel, Chuck Price, Roger Holman, Bob Reath, Jean Gliniecki, Mike Mazemke, .


Review and Approve Agenda.  Motion:  Supr. Penney moved and Supr. Flease seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried without a negative vote.


Review and Approve Minutes.  Motion:  Supr.  Barrington moved and Supr. Flease seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2012 meeting with the correction of adding Supr. Federwitz to the roll call.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Susan Richards and Gail Hart, United Way 2-1-1.  This program that has helped serve 12,597 calls with 55 from Waupaca County, 609 calls is funded by local, state and federal government funding and businesses.  They serve 10 counties.  At the present time they receive no funding from Waupaca County.  In these times they are in need of resources and they are rapidly being depleted.  They would like to ask Waupaca County to consider funding their organization in the next budget cycle.  Currently 2-1-1 is funded 91% by United Way and 95 by others.


Central Wisconsin Housing Consortium – Res. No. 9 (2012-2013), Dave Thiel WCEDC. 

This committee and the full county board previously voted to approve Waupaca County to be the lead County in the Central WI Housing Consortium and that Executive Director of WCEDC Dave Thiel take the Administrator role.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Barrington seconded the motion to approve Res. No. 9 (12-13) Central WI Housing Consortium.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Finance Director’s Report – Heidi Dombrowski.  Heidi reviewed the 2012 Financial Update at 42% of the total budget used or less.  In the 2011 General Fund account we have a surplus of $900,000, nothing seems out of the ordinary or anything that we did not know about.  Report was placed on file. 


Vouchers.  Monthly vouchers were presented.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Federwitz seconded the motion to approve the monthly vouchers.  The motion carried without a negative vote. Co. Bd. Chair abstained from the vote.


Veterans Service Officer Wayne Knutson.  Wayne informed the committee that he has been very active being involved in the community.   They do have funds available from the time that Jon left and his starting salary, he would like to purchase equipment that he could take with him to make presentations, such as a portable projector, an HP Printer for his lap top, view Sonic and to spruce up the office a bit with new carpet, new desk, things of that nature.  The total amount of his expenditures does not exceed his total budget but it does exceed 10% of a budgeted line item.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Penney seconded the motion to approve the Veteran’s Service Officer to exceed 10% of line item expenditures for improvement within the department, and to work with the Finance Director to ensure that expenses do not exceed overall costs savings within the department.


Treasurer’s Report – Christel Schuelke, Deputy Treasurer.  Cash on hand of $1,465,261.47.  Reviewed:  Investments, Tax Certificates, County Sales Tax, Interest on Delinquent Taxes, and Interest on Investments.  Treasurer’s Report placed on file.  Christel explained that Clyde would like to lease a new color copier/printer that would scan, sort and staple.  The lease would be $148 per month.  They do have the money budgeted, plus they chargeback to other departments that use the copier/printer.  Motion:  Supr. Barrington moved and Co. Bd. Chair Koeppen seconded the motion to approve the leasing of the copy machine.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Information Systems – Bob Reath.  Bob explained the monthly bills, which include: training for the phone system, purchase of some new cabling for Highway, additional copiers for the Sheriff Department.  Heartland project for $10,657 is for the e-mail encryption process with Barracuda archiving compliance.  Bills:  Motion:  Supr. Federwitz moved and Supr. Penney seconded the motion to approve the monthly bills.  The motion carried.


D.E.R.M. Director Roger Holman.  Roger is requesting to contract for an Agronomist for his department, they were originally going to ask for a full time or part time person, but after reviewing this carefully the best opportunity would be to contract this position, they would like to contract through this year and all of 2013 with available funds.  Golden Sands RC & D may be able to help them out with this position.  Through not filling the secretarial position in the office they have saved $29,000.00 and they would like to use this money to purchase an F-150 truck for $24,194.00.  They are still considering a part-time position for the clerical work in the Land & Water Conservation side of the department.  Motion:  Supr. Penney moved and Supr. Barrington seconded the motion to approve contracting for an Agronomist at approximately $15,000 and $25,000 for the purchase of a truck for the department.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Human Resource Director Amanda Welch.  Mandy presented her monthly report which is on file in the Clerk’s office with these minutes.  The classification study seems to be going very well Charlie Carlson has met with all of the Department Heads.  Mandy discussed the Department of Employee Trust Funds Retirement Audit.  Gannett Newspaper has filed an open records request that they will be complying with to fill the requested documents.  They have hired an Intern Robyn Bunk and she has been working out very well.


HR will be asking Maria Flores to train all employees and County Board on the discrimination laws in the workplace.  This needs to be completed by the end of 2012.


Planning & Zoning Department Reorganization.  HR and Planning and Zoning Committees met in a joint meeting and reviewed proposed organizational charts and job descriptions.  Mandy presented to this committee the Organizational Chart that was approved by the joint committees and an amended job description for the Zoning Administrator and a job description for the County Planning Director.  Supr. Craig disagrees with the outcome of having a Planning Director over the Zoning Administrator and feels that they should reconsider having the DERM Director be the person over a Planner position and a Zoning Administrator.

Motion:  Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen moved and Supr. Penney seconded the motion to approve forwarding this proposal of County Planning Director and the Organizational Chart and salary range of  $58,338 to $65,730 with all fringe benefits and health insurance a range of $83 to $92,000, (attached to these minutes) to the full County Board.  The motion carried with Supr. Craig voting nay.


Workforce Development Consortium–Co. Bd. Chair Koeppen.  Chr. Koeppen provided background on the changes to the Workforce Development Consortium and presented the new joint agreement between the counties of Calumet, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Waupaca, Waushara and Winnebago.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Barrington seconded the motion to approve the new agreement for Workforce Development Consortium and to forward to the full County Board for approval.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


County Clerk – Mary Robbins:


Approve/Deny County Board Claims:  Per Diems & Mileage Motion:  Supr. Federwitz moved and Supr. Flease seconded the motion to approve the per diem and mileage.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Library Report will be delivered to each committee member to be placed on file.


 Adjourn.  Motion:  Supr. Flease moved and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.



Mary A. Robbins, County Clerk