Waupaca County Finance and Human Resource Committee

And Health & Human Services

Minutes – January 26, 2012


Chr. Loughrin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and gave the opening meeting statement. 


Roll Call:  Chr. Loughrin, Suprs. Barrington-excused, Brown, Craig, Flease-excused, G. Murphy, Penney were present and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen--excused.  DHHS Board members:  G. Murphy, Joe McClone-excused, Allen, Aasen-excused, Craig, Tautges, Lehrer-excused and Dr. Goedderz-excused.  Others present:  Mary Robbins and Mandy Welch.


Review and Approve Agenda.  Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Brown seconded the motion to approve the agenda. The motion carried without a negative vote.



HR Director Amanda Welch.  We will be conducted the final interviews for the DHHS Director position.  These will be conducted in closed session.


Motion:  Supr. Murphy moved and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen seconded the motion to go into CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Wis. State Stats. Sec. 19.85 (1) (c) to conduct interviews for the Department of Health & Human Services Director.  Roll call vote was taken: Supr. Loughrin—yes; Brown—yes; Craig—yes; Murphy--yes, Penney—yes; Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen—yes; Allen—yes; Tautges—yes.


Herein occurred business in closed session.


Motion:  Supr. Craig moved and Supr. Barrington seconded the motion to return to OPEN SESSION.  Roll call vote was taken:  Supr. Loughrin—yes; Brown—yes; Craig—yes; Murphy--yes, Penney—yes; Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen—yes; Allen—yes; Tautges—yes.


Adjourn:  Motion:   Supr. Craig moved and Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:15 p.m. The motion carried without a negative vote.


Mary A. Robbins, County Clerk