Executive Committee

Meeting Minutes – August 23, 2011


Co. Bd. Chair Koeppen called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. and gave the open meeting statement.


Roll call.  Executive Committee members present:  Co. Bd. Chr. Koeppen, Suprs. Loughrin--excused, G. Murphy, Flease, Barrington, Peterson, Jonely, Kussmann, Trambauer, Sorensen, L. Mares and Penney. 


Others present:  Mary Robbins, Supr. Pat Craig.


Approval of Agenda.  Supr. Sorensen moved and Supr. Peterson seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Approval of Minutes.  Supr. G. Murphy moved and Supr. Flease seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous March 7, 2011 meeting.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Set County Board Per Diem for April 2012, Amend Ch. 2, County Code of Ordinances.


Motion:  Supr. Kussmann moved and Supr. L. Mares seconded the motion to approve increasing the Co. Bd. Supervisors Per Diem amount from $55.00 to $60.00, over 4 hours or a second meeting from $25.00 to $30.00.  Supr. Trambauer moved and Supr. Barrington seconded the motion to amend the main motion to include any 3rd meeting in a day (other than prior to a county board meeting) will be paid $30.00, totaling the maximum for supervisors in one day to be $120.00 and to increase the County Board Chair’s salary from $8,000 per year to $9,000 per year, plus Per Diems.  The motion to amend the main motion carried with Supr. Murphy voting no.  The motion as amended carried with Supr. Murphy and Supr. Peterson voting no.  Motion carried as amended, this will be added to the 2012 budget, amend Ch. 2 County Code of Ordinances to reflect changes and sent to the full County Board for approval to be effective after the April 2012 election.


Adjourn:  Supr. Kussmann moved and Supr. Peterson seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:40 a.m.  The motion was carried without a negative vote.


Mary A. Robbins

County Clerk