Transportation Coordination Committee Minutes

Oct 10, 2013


This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public.  Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.


Meeting called to order by Chairman Gerald Murphy at the Masonic Temple, Manawa, at 12:45 p.m.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Carl Kietzmann, Karl Schulte, Gene Ruppert, Nancy Ferg, and Gerald Murphy.


MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Teri Moe, Robert Thompson.



OTHERS PRESENT: Christie Gonwa, Chad Hoerth and Cheryl Buchholtz (Lakeview Manor)


I.        ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Motion by Carl Kietzmann, seconded by Karl Schulte to approve agenda. Motion carried


II.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Carl Kietzmann, seconded by Karl Schulte to approve minutes of 7/25, 2013. Motion carried.



III.    Transportation Coordination Action Plan

An informational meeting was held this morning at 9:00 am till noon at the Masonic Temple with an agenda prepared by Nick Musson. Everyone involved helped to identify gaps and needs and develop strategies to meet those needs. This helped us see where the needs are, and gave us an opportunity to develop a strategic plan for advancement in the Transportation Program.  The plan is due to the DOT on 12/20/13.  Christie stated if everyone was comfortable with the action plan that was developed this morning we could move forward with approval.  Karl Schulte made a motion to adopt the plan and Carl Kietzmann seconded that motion.



IV.    Review 85.21 proposal

As stated by Christie, our volunteer program is not participating in non-medical trips.  We’ve looked at expanding for shopping, social events, weekend travel, etc.  Clients participating in the nutrition programs are paying $1 a ride and would pay an additional $1 for travel for the shopping, etc.  Iola-Scandinavia has a couple of vans that are available for use, will be looking into this, comparing with New London.  These vans would be available at not much more than gas costs.  We will be looking into recruiting volunteers to drive the vans.  Gerald requested that we pursue this further.


Christie wants to look into other areas in the county, where there is a need.  Also, maybe coordinating with other counties for greater distances would be beneficial.  Gerald wants to go full speed ahead with the opportunity of the usage of the vans.  King also has vehicles not being used, including one with a lift.  Working with them might be a great opportunity at this time.



V.      MTM Update

The transportation for MA riders is going better than it was when LogistiCare was at the helm.  There is a need to increase providers, as some clients are not getting the ride needed.   Quality problems have come up with a few operators, but MTM is working on it.  Karl stated that the taxi has completed some rides for MTM and they have been paying promptly, which is good news.









VI.    Other Progress

Gerald requests that Christie contact him with date for next meeting if needed before January.

Gerald thanked Christy for putting today together, planning the meetings and setting up the refreshments, etc.  

It was  a well-organized and informative day and enjoyed by everyone who attended.




Motion to adjourn made by Gene Ruppert, seconded by Carl Kietzmann. Motion carried.


NEXT MEETING: 2:00 p.m. –  Thursday, January 23, 2014 at Waupaca Courthouse, LL43


Respectfully Submitted By:



Nancy Ferg,

Transportation Coordinator