Transportation Coordination Committee Minutes

April 11, 2013


This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public.  Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.


Meeting called to order by Chairman Gerald Murphy at the Waupaca County Courthouse, Waupaca, WI, Room – Lower Level 43, at 2:03 p.m.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Carl Kietzmann, Karl Schulte, Gerald Murphy, Teri Moe, Dave Lowe, Nancy Ferg, and Gene Ruppert.


MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Robert Thompson




OTHERS PRESENT: Christie Gonwa, Peggy Strey, Chad Hoerth (City of New London), and Don Peterson (County Board Supervisor).


I.        ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Motion by Teri Moe, second by Carl Kietzmann to approve agenda. Motion carried


II.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Nancy Ferg, second by Gene Ruppert to approve corrected minutes (Item VII, 2nd paragraph should read “flesh” not “flush”. Motion carried.


III.    85.21 Report for 2012 Year-End

Christie still does not have the amount of the award. We will not experience the 5% sequestration cut that some counties will because our budget was below the financial benchmark. Some counties were not.


Nancy Ferg got a call requesting transport of an M.A. recipient to the V.A. clinic. She has not experienced this before and wondered if she was the appropriate resource stating that Logisiticare will not cover this ride. Dave Lowe clarified that Logisiticare’s interpretation was correct and we could move forward in scheduling this, however, the consumer would be responsible for payment just like others we service. Other transportation sources should be available that are specific to veterans and advised Nancy to contact the local veteran’s center for a possible referral source.


IV.    5310- Grant – Gene Ruppert/WCI

The grant is not officially out yet, but is expected late this summer. Any vehicles purchased in this grant cycle will be available for delivery between May and September 2015. The grant is very generous in that the federal government pays 80% and requires our 20% match toward the cost of purchase.

Q.: Who pays the 20% match?

A.: The entity requesting and using the vehicle pays the match. Example: if the county is using the vehicle – the county pays the match, if the City of New London is using the vehicle, the City of New London would then pay the match.


A bus’ life is typically 200K miles – WCI will have 4 buses that will meet this threshold when the delivery period arrives.

He also believes there is a van that will need to be retired, but will have a conversation with Jim Hotvedt of WVH on this.


Gene will be contacting potential parties of interest for this particular cycle. We must address the needs of other entities with whom we will then partner. We believe WVH and the City of New London will have interest.


This committee does not meet again until July and that agenda must include a need for formal action in reference to moving forward with the grant based on this committee’s approval. That meeting will be on 7/18, barring any unforeseen needs for rescheduling. If this is not a good working date, please contact Peggy Strey.



V.      Brokered Transportation

  1. New Contractor – MTM (Medical Transportation Management) – a company based in St. Louis - has been awarded the contract. Christie got an email just today advising her of this award. Logisticare must remain in place until MTM is ready to go. Speculation is that the transfer of duties may occur on or before July 1st. This contract is expected to be similar to that of Logisiticare’s; a 3-year contract with two possible 1 year extensions.
  2. Update on past due billing - Christie still needs to determine the final dollars owed us by Logisiticare and will incur the assistance of Representative Peterson in collecting full payment as he did offer his assistance to those struggling with Logisitcare payment issues. Karl Schulte did request this assistance and Brown Cab did receive payment for some past due dollars.
  3. Meeting held with Kevin Peterson – The contract with Logisticare did not allow for the provision of a financial audit, therefore, they were not obliged to provide the data needed for possible penalty, thus it was determined too costly a measure. 



Karl said he would like to sign a contract for the bus right now. Christie recently discovered that the Freedom Bus was used - on rare occasion - for CSP and other outings. The bus will be made available for our use as requested. It was determined those requests would go to Karl Schulte through our office with a minimum 7 day notice. Repairs will be assumed by Brown Cab and the lease payment will be changed to  $1.00/year (not $100.00). Gene Ruppert has the vehicle’s maintenance records (done by the county’s highway department) and Brown Cab will be responsible for insurance of their approved drivers, however, the county will absorb the umbrella of responsibility for insuring their own drivers during times of county use. County Clerk Mary Robbins will be contacted on this to provide information with possible further assistance by Corporation Counsel Jeff Siewert. The county will also be required to top off the fuel upon the vehicle’s return.


A following motion was made by Teri Moe and seconded by Carl Kietzmann:


To approve the contractual agreement between Brown Cab and Waupaca County which governs the Freedom Bus, whereas that approval is based on discussions between Karl Schulte, Christie Gonwa and Chuck Price with final approval from DHHS Director Price and any others of required action.


Karl Schulte and Dave Lowe abstained from this vote. All others were in agreement. Motion carried.



Motion to adjourn made by Dave Lowe, and second by Gene Ruppert. Motion carried.


NEXT MEETING – July 25, 2013 – 2:00 PM – Waupaca County Courthouse


Respectfully Submitted By:



Peggy Strey – Program Assistant

Aging and Disability Resource Unit