Transportation Coordination Committee Minutes

January 17, 2013


This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public.  Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.


Meeting called to order by Chairman Gerald Murphy at the Waupaca County Courthouse, Waupaca, WI, Room – Lower Level 43, at 2:02 p.m.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Carl Kietzmann, Karl Schulte, Gerald Murphy, Terri Moe, Robert Thompson, James Hotvedt, and Gene Ruppert.


MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Dave Lowe and Nancy Ferg


OTHERS PRESENT: Christie Gonwa, Peggy Strey, Chad Hoerth (City of New London), and Jeannette Zielinski (NL - Franklin Park Apts.).


I.        ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Motion by Terri Moe, second by Gene Ruppert to approve agenda. Motion carried


II.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Carl Kietzmann, second by Terri Moe to approve October 11, 2012 Minutes. Motion carried.


III.    Introduction of new ADRC Manager

Jerry Murphy introduced new Aging & Disability Resource Unit Manager Christie Gonwa to the group where roundtable introductions ensued after Christie provided a brief bio synopsis.


IV.    Discussion Regarding Expanded Services

Christie’s understanding is that expansion is to begin in Iola – partnering with Iola Living Assistance/Living Oaks. She asked if a second nursing home had expressed interest in this same type of partnership. WVH representative James Hotvedt stated that although they did not discuss this expansion he was open to it, especially due to changes that have occurred to their in house transportation service in recent years.  The second nursing home in question may be Greentree in Clintonville, as they had indicated some interest in a prior meeting during a discussion on vehicle assets and partnering prospects, but there is no awareness of further discussion on this since then. Christie will be visiting each nursing home in the coming month due to agency involvement in the Community Relocation initiative. She will investigate this further during those opportunities.


V.      85.21 Grant Request

Pat Enright wrote the grant and match funds have already been received. We are in a holding pattern until we receive further notice.


Gene Ruppert expects the next 5310 grant cycle to come in late summer and due in late November for the 2014/2015 period. Any vehicles we order/need will not come until 2015. He will have more information on this at the next (April) meeting and requested it be added as an agenda item of discussion. The July meeting agenda will need to include the 5310 grant as an action item so formal approval of any 5310 purchases can be made in order to abide the grant application cycle/period deadlines.


Chad Hoerth/City of New London indicated interest in phasing out their current vehicle and requesting a new one.



  1. Logisticare’s termination of the contract – Logisticare gave notice for termination of the contract for 2/17, but are contractually bound to continue until a replacement is made. The RFP is not due back until 2/21 so it appears they will be continuing beyond the 2/17 date. DHS intends to make an announcement on the winner of the new bid by May 1st.


Karl Schulte attended a conference today, prior to this meeting, and understands Logisticare will reapply along with three other new applicants. It was asked if we could go back to the former system which was believed to be a much better system, but DHS prefers a statewide broker.


Jeannette Zielinski, manager of New London’s Franklin Park Apartments, expressed great frustration and concern over Logisticare’s very poor customer service, as she deals with them regularly and finds her elderly clientele to be captive users held at Logisticare’s mercy. Logisiticare puts undue stress and pressure on a very fragile population. Should they be re-selected, she would like to see a formal process of accountability for their poor performance.


Christie routed a Logisiticare email of January 11, 2013 forwarded to her by Nancy Ferg regarding their issues/concerns with some counties; the tone of which is very demanding, restrictive, and punitive. It appears they are unwilling to accommodate themselves what they require of us.


  1. Update on past due billing - They do owe us dollars; the exact amount is not yet absolute. This is a concern, especially if not reselected as the state’s broker, for it will be even harder for us to collect our due. Karl Schulte said Logisiticare is using Waupaca Taxi very little and asked if anyone is aware of people – possible certain segments of the population – who, in his estimation,  are getting better service, some much better than others.


  1. Discussion with Legislators – We will be inviting our local reps – Kevin Peterson and Luther Olsen - to our next meeting, to enrich our communications on continuing Logisiticare issues and perhaps use their position in assisting us to collect the dollars still owed. The media may also be invited, but that will be addressed with Director Chuck Price. It is felt that offering expected measures of accountability in the new RFP to be quite necessary since the money Logisiticare is paid is based on a capitated rate, which does not incite good service.



Still not signed – Christie and Karl will work on it together.  Karl said that the 5310 grant allowed for purchase of city, county and Wisconsin Veterans Home vehicles and wondered if a lease of the presently dormant WVH vehicle(s) to Brown Cab would be a wise consideration. 


Jerry Murphy recommended that Christie and Karl flush this out and ask Pat Enright for his input. Once done, they are to speak with Chuck and gain his input/approval.


The Freedom Bus (mini-bus) is a vehicle kept at the Waupaca County Courthouse that the taxi company has considered using, however, they will accommodate whatever our planned use for it is without interruption.


A subcommittee of this committee was developed so as to meet, (preferably in person) within the next 30 days, and prior to the next quarterly committee meeting, to approve the lease agreement. Subcommittee members are: Jerry Murphy, Terri Moe, James Hotvedt, Gene Ruppert, and Nancy Ferg. However, all committee members will be invited to attend if able.


VIII.             ADJOURN

Christie Gonwa asked if the meeting on 7/11 could be changed to 7/18. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting (April 11).


Motion to adjourn at 3:05 PM made by Robert Thompson, and second by Gene Ruppert. Motion carried.


NEXT MEETING – April 11, 2013 – 2:00 PM – Waupaca County Courthouse


Respectfully submitted by:

Peggy Strey – Program Assistant

Aging and Disability Resource Unit