Transportation Coordination Committee Minutes

October 11, 2012


This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public.  Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.


Meeting called to order by Chairman Gerald Murphy at the Waupaca County Courthouse, Waupaca, WI, Room – Lower Level 43, at 2:03 p.m.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Carl Kietzmann, Karl Schulte, Nancy Ferg, Gerald Murphy, Robert Thompson, and James Hotvedt.


MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Gene Ruppert, Dave Lowe, Terri Moe,  


OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Enright, Peggy Strey, Greg Loeser (Iola Living Assistance), Chad Hoerth (City of New London), and Carrie Porter (GWAAR).


I.         ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Motion by James Hotvedt, seconded by Karl Schulte to approve agenda. Motion carried


II.        APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Carl Kietzmann, seconded by Robert Thompson to approve July 12, 2012 Minutes. Motion carried.


Jerry Murphy took a moment to acknowledge Pat’s BIG announcement – his submitted retirement. With great appreciation Jerry thanked him for all he has done and continues to do as a manager and advocate for Waupaca County, and stated how difficult the task of replacing him would be. The group concurred, and wished him a well deserved and happy retirement!


III.      Discussion Regarding Expanded Services – Patrick Enright

A.      Follow-up from Last Month’s Meeting

B.      Review Waupaca County Survey of Needs for Seniors -

C.      Review Waupaca County Transportation Coordination Action Plan -

Roundtable introductions ensued before the blended A, B, and C discussion. Pat spoke of having some additional dollars available for transportation needs and found the interest of area and community partners, based on the last meeting, less than anticipated. However, Greg Loeser of Iola Living Assistance has expressed interest in helping to provide transportation to the citizens of Iola and Scandinavia since his facility already has three available vehicles in which to expand upon. He hopes to run this service out of the Iola senior center with a small in town start up and expand from there. We are open to this as is Waupaca Taxi. More concentric circles of service will help to service more and shrink unmet needs.


A Transportation Survey of 1 ½ years ago along with a more recent survey done as part of the three year Aging Plan were summarized. The results tell us we do a fine job in filling transportation for medical needs, but imply that gaps exist in meeting transportation for recreation/socialization needs.


$15,000 is available in OAA funding (not 85.21). This funding requires a donation based offering, so a suggested trip donation amount, would need to be set. $3.00 per trip is seen as equitably sufficient based on research and experience. We could provide subsidy to Greg Loeser to manage, but must also determine who to serve – perhaps adding unsubsidized private pay to the cost. The committee was asked for their thoughts on direction.

ü  Greg sees the initial intention as a service for the elderly and handicapped and already has an established pool of volunteer drivers. Program use/growth will further impact this as there is a need to create demand, currently unknown.

ü  It was suggested that one phone number for dispatch be used – no matter the community. This is considered key to program success.  Brown Cab/Waupaca Taxi already funds a dispatch center. Nancy Ferg agrees with this. Greg believes it to be a bit early in the process in re utilization of a central dispatch - since we are starting small.

ü  Pat would like to start small- offering service two days a week to start and then expanding from there.

ü  Ride sharing is encouraged to help with scheduling and cost effectiveness. Maybe elderly who drive would prefer to ride.

ü  Training and background checks are necessary for volunteer driver use. Nancy does this already as does Greg. He uses resources via www.safechurch.com 

ü  Carrie Porter cited South Carolina’s successful model – a central dispatch for multiple providers.

ü  Chad – New London served 5800 1-way trips last year for medical/recreation/social/meals-nutrition to only those within city limits. Volunteers do the scheduling. Current staff and bus are maxed out. The rural route they once offered was not cost effective as they are able to serve more city riders in same or less time. He is unsure of the needs of riders beyond a 5/6 mile radius. Their other concern is that they are a split community: Waupaca/Outagamie. They ask for $3.00 to $3.50/ride. This does not bring in revenue to support the program. They have two p/t city employees who each drive 20 hrs/wk and are paid staff. They are awesome! A successful program can hinge on drivers.


Pat reviewed 2008 Coordinated Action {included in agenda mailing). Feels current concept discussion meets goals of this plan.


IV.     85.21 Grant Request

Pat would like to maintain current priorities in the 85.21 grant and add a fourth project:

  1. Volunteer drivers provide rides for medical appointments for elderly/handicapped and Medicaid eligible (for Logisticare).
  2. Nutrition transportation project (for $1.00/ride people can get rides to the nutrition sites)
  3. WCI transportation (for employment related activities)
  4. Added Project: Other (yet to be written). A conglomeration of many different partners helping us to expand transportation services to the elderly/handicapped for social/recreational needs.

Pat asked for committee input and suggestions. Per Chad there is a definite percentage of NL ridership that uses it for grocery shopping, haircuts, etc. It may require community business assistance. Example: offer discount at grocery stores on certain days of the week. Would this discount be applied only to the ridership or for all seniors on that day? Chad wants to take advantage of funding for his nutrition riders. Pat agreed and will need those numbers for plan inclusion. He and Chad will connect on this. The city of NL provides medical transportation for M.A. people and do not bill Logisticare.


Pat’s original concept included churches and not for profits. Financial support would be helpful too (from townships, etc.). Banks, car dealerships, etc. are very generous. Service organizations like Rotary Clubs etc. are valuable also. Volunteer use is much more dollar manageable.


Pat asked for action on 85.21 grant – that we conceptually add the 4th project in the grant.


Motion to approve moving forward with conceptual plan with the addition of the fourth component made by Karl Schulte and seconded by Carl Kietzmann. Motion carried.


 3:00 PM – Chad Hoerth and Greg Loeser excused themselves from attendance.



  1. Update on Billing and Expansion – We have finally hit our stride (4 months later and are now billing week by week rather than monthly. We have to reconcile disparages. We will not officially accept Logisticare payment until they agree to pay us in full what they owe us. They have been very demanding. We will soon be switching to a new driver schedule/billing system which is an Access program used by Calumet. This will help us in both billing and reporting.


Logisticare has now expanded to the more urban southeast corner of the state and the transition, similar to ours and others, did not go well. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has produced articles regarding these poor service issues and included our experiential input.


  1. Recommendation on Legislative Audit to Representatives - Is there talk of getting rid of Logisticare? Carrie Porter explained the legislative process. She encourages letters and conversations to keep pushing for the audit.  It is our understanding that the person at DHHS who was in charge of this process is now gone (demoted?).


A motion was made by Karl Schulte, seconded by James Hotvedt to request that the DHHS Board write a letter to the legislators in support of the audit. Motion carried.


Pat will prepare the letter. It is felt the letter is well timed. Carrie agrees as they are about 1 ½ years into the 3 year contract. The capitated model is based on payment per member and not per ride. They may be prescribed a per ride model, which sees correction of the model currently used.


VI.                  ADJOURN

Motion to adjourn at 3:20 PM made by Nancy Ferg, seconded by Carl Kietzmann. Motion carried.


NEXT MEETING – January 17, 2012 – 2:00 PM – Waupaca County Courthouse



Respectfully submitted by:

Peggy Strey - Secretary, Aging and Disability Resource Unit