Transportation Coordination Committee Minutes

April 12, 2012


This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public.  Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.


Meeting called to order by Chairman Gerald Murphy at the Waupaca County Courthouse, Waupaca, WI, Room – Lower Level 43, at 2:03 p.m.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert (Bob) Thompson, Carl Kietzmann, Gerald Murphy, Nancy Ferg, Dave Lowe (Running Inc.), and James Hotvedt (Wisconsin Veterans Home).


MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Terri Moe and Gene Ruppert.



OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Enright, Peggy Strey, Karl Schulte (Waupaca Taxi), and Chuck Price.


I.                   ADOPTION OF AGENDA: ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Motion by Carl Kietzmann, seconded by Robert Thompson to approve agenda. Motion carried


II.                APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Dave Lowe, seconded by Robert Thompson, to approve January 19, 2012 Minutes. Motion carried. New DHHS Director Chuck Price was in attendance, prompting introductions. Carl Kietzmann advised the group that he was recently elected to serve as a County Board Supervisor and now questions his future membership on this committee. Peggy will check on this with County Clerk Mary Robbins.



A.     85.21 Report – Pat reviewed the 85.21 Semi-Annual Reports included in this meeting’s agenda mailing. 2011 was a crazy year due to the Logisticare takeover, but, it was a fiscally good year and there are available spending dollars in the trust. However, these monies can only be used for capital expenses, and so will be used in the next round for vehicle purchases. The three projects: Volunteer Driver, Nutrition, and WCI Transportation, were briefly examined.  A new project focus is of current consideration, that being to encapsulate the “social” ride aspect.


Logisticare keeps Nancy Ferg very busy as we are operating at capacity. We were to have received our first payment on April 9th, but Pat was not able to confirm this prior to the meeting. Our drivers continue to be paid regularly as they had prior to the takeover, so the payment will include those reimbursements.


Karl S. suspects that some riders may be using the taxi in lieu of Logisticare, choosing to spend their own monies rather than receive the discounted service. This can be considered “shedding rides”. Pat thanked him for bringing this to our attention and he will encourage Medicaid funded clients to use Logisticare for their transportation needs. The taxi service has given up on using vouchers as it was found to be too confusing. They have yet to be paid by Logisticare.


Although unable to attend the meeting, Jason Kakatsch forwarded the minutes of the 4/10/12 Medicaid Transportation Brokerage meeting, taken by Carrie Porter, which Pat assessed.


Nancy reported that Logisticare has been really good, but don’t always give much notice, although they do alert her to cancellations quite timely. She is generally given 1 ˝ days to find the rides.


B.     Community Care – We have agreed to a fair rate for transports, although CC Inc. does encourage use of family supports for this whenever possible since that rate is reimbursed at.24/mile vs. our contract rate.


C.     Logisticare – see 85.21 report.


D.     Other – No discussion



IV.              LOGISTICARE – see 85.21 report (unintended duplication)



Because there are extra dollars and because there is a need for rural transportation to meet social and other currently unmet needs. Pat is interested in developing transportation to meet this need. This may be done through revival of the mini bus or through the use of current or additional providers given a subsidized cost. Pat has thus requested formation of a sub-committee to address this.


Karl and Dave represent Waupaca Taxi and offer vouchers for nutrition riders, but if there are other social type needs that can be expanded upon using that same voucher type system they would consider testing the waters for six months or so.


Karl stated that upon reviewing the report he sees our program as a large one with a large dispatch office. Perhaps their dispatch office can be combined with ours in this effort. They use a software program for scheduling etc.


There is also a need to capture rides for non emergency medical (return trips once eligible via local ambulance services).  The sub-committee could investigate this need – perhaps partnering, for example, with St. Joe’s or the NL bus service to fill the need in that area. Taxis can pick up the slack if they run a 24 hour operation, but that is difficult in rural areas like ours where that coverage is not available. 3rd shift hours are hardest coverage times, which may call for a higher off-hours fee. We are unsure if we would cover this cost or if someone else could.


The Waupaca Taxi has a limited service area because of their partnership with the city for sponsorship of the service. 


Intercommunity “social” travel is needed, but we are unsure how much and how broad. Another way to view it is functionality – where is the greatest need: groceries, beauty shop, visiting relatives in nursing homes, hospitals, etc.


No shortage of ideas to explore. Need to flush out and solidify. Perhaps use volunteer drivers to serve this need too (?).


We are also prepping for a three year aging plan so will plan in conjunction with this process in mind. Will check history of past invitees involved in mini bus startup. Need to be sure to capture interest of those who need the service, but can’t get somewhere to express it, i.e. “Does your loved one need transportation in a specified area?”  James Hotvedt will check with nursing supervisor, Donna W., who will be inheriting the transportation piece from him and Pat will check with Terri Moe for their sub-committee membership interest.  Current sub-committee members are: Jason Kakatsh, Nancy Ferg, Pat Enright, Karl Schulte and Dave Lowe.


VI.              ADJOURN

Motion made at 2:58 PM by Carl Kietzmann, seconded by Robert Thompson to adjourn. Motion carried.


NEXT MEETING – July 12, 2012 – 2:00 PM – Waupaca County Courthouse



Respectfully submitted by:


Peggy Strey

Secretary, Aging and Disability Resource Unit