Transportation Coordination Committee Minutes

January 19, 2012


This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public.  Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.


Meeting called to order by Chairman Gerald Murphy at the Waupaca County Courthouse, Waupaca, WI, Room – Lower Level 43, at 2:04 p.m.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert (Bob) Thompson, Terri Moe, Carl Kietzmann, Gerald Murphy, Gene Ruppert, Nancy Ferg, and David Lowe (Running Inc.).


OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Enright, Peggy Strey, Karl Schulte (Waupaca Taxi) and James Hotvedt (Wisconsin Veterans Home).


I.                   ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Peggy apologized for agenda number and Item III/ IV (separation) confusion. Motion by Carl Kietzmann, seconded by Terri Moe to approve agenda. Motion carried.


II.                APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Dave Lowe, seconded by Terri Moe, to approve October 13, 2011 Minutes. Motion carried.



IV.              Activate Dave Lowe as Running Inc. representative replacing Richard Running and act on nomination of James Hotvedt as WVH representative.

Dave Lowe had been previously activated as a voting member in Richard Running’s absence, but is now his permanent replacement. Karl Schulte will be a voting member in Dave Lowe’s absence. Motion by Terri Moe, seconded by Carl Kietzmann, to accept Dave Lowe as permanent member representing Running Inc. with Karl Schulte acting as a backup in his absence along with a nomination for James Hotvedt’s membership as Wisconsin Veteran’s Home representative.


V.                 LOGISTICARE

Contractual agreement complete. Were able to get the IRS mileage reimbursement rate, plus .03/mile for administration. It is an annual contract. Waupaca County started providing rides the week of Thanksgiving and ridership has been slowly climbing to pre takeover numbers.


Karl Schulte - Q: Do you know if you’ve been paid yet?

Pat Enright - A: No, but that’s because we have to work through the billing procedure yet.


Karl stated that they have not yet been paid, but understand it has to do with the required IT submission/process. Karl asked if we provided rides Waupaca to Waupaca and Pat stated that we do not and that we encourage taxi use. Our drivers take on trips where transportation is unavailable.  Efforts are taking place to make the public aware that we are back in the business through our newsletter, the ADRC connection, and the WDUX Breakfast Club, etc. Pat would like to know the number of M.A. riders that Logisitcare transported during these past few interim months. People are no longer complaining, but they may have given up in frustration. Pat was appointed to the Logisticare advisory committee and they met once. He was made aware of an interesting resource called www.doeslogisticare.com


Jerry Murphy thanked Pat and Nancy for their tremendous efforts during this somewhat stressful period and offered a big thank you to our drivers, who jumped through hoops to drive for Logisticare.   



A.      85.21 – Submitted. Continuing with same projects. Awaiting approval from the state. Is working on the mini-bus restart. Mini-bus to be kept at courthouse rather than WCI. Working on developing parameters of use. Plan to use volunteer drivers (unpaid – no tips) for social and other unmet needs.

B.     5310 – Grant not being pursued at this time. Gene Ruppert does not see the need and feels there will be a greater scope of interest in two years during the next grant cycles where more partners of interest will be invited to participate (nursing homes etc.).


They are also reducing the use of one of their buses, beginning April 2nd, through route redistribution with the goal of reducing overall miles.


VII.           ADDRESSING ELDERLY MOBILITY ISSUES SURVEY – Provided binder to each member

The 2011 study, done by WisDOT’s research center, provided very interesting information on the future landscape of transportation needs in Wisconsin as the baby boomers age.  Research shows that Waupaca County will experience an 80% increase in people over age 65 and about 20% of the population is expected to be disadvantaged transportation wise.  


Plans are already underway to change ambulance transport for Medicare recipients. The ambulance has historically provided roundtrip transportation whenever possible, but the state is now only allowing one way rides basing this decision on the premise that return trips are non-emergency and, therefore, more economical options should be used. 


Terri Moe asked if many surveys were returned specific to Waupaca County. Pat believed there to be at least 400, but not all were collected via our agency.



Pat highlighted specific survey areas prompting discussion on how to go about finding the transportation needs of our communities. Is working on the 2013-2015 Aging Plan, which requires us to offer public forums this year. Would like to incorporate transportation needs within these forums and plans on using our newsletter (ADRC Connection) to gather information.  Terry suggested that Pat communicate some of these study results to the public in the next newsletter.


Dave Lowe sees the difficulty in getting good survey results as most people don’t see the need till they are forced.  He will connect with those who have done some fairly in-depth research. 


Our rural areas need our help and this committee will be really helpful in that mobility management plan.


The change in ambulance use is just one example of how transportation needs will be adjusted for assisted living and other nursing centers.


Must remove stigma to taking public transportation so friends and family can be relieved of any unnecessary burdens. Suggested example was to use minibus to take people to senior centers etc. on those days when seniors come for services like nail clinics, ergo removing the burden of transportation from friends, family, and even those who perhaps should not be transporting themselves and/or others.



IX.              ADJOURN

Motion made by Terri Moe and seconded by Dave Lowe to adjourn. Motion carried.


NEXT MEETING – April 12, 2012 – 2:00 PM – Waupaca County Courthouse



Respectfully submitted by:


Peggy Strey

Secretary, Aging and Disability Resource Unit