NOVEMBER 14, 2012


Present: Marilyn Herman, Gretchen Gerrits, Sarah Heinrich, Linda Remington, Paul Shrode, Jan Lehrer, Courtney Windorski, Nicole Davis, Chris Machamer

Agenda: Moved by Marilyn Herman, seconded by Linda Remington, passed to accept the agenda.

Minutes: Moved by Jan Lehrer, seconded by Gretchen Gerrits,  passed, to accept the minutes of the September meeting as written.

Job Center Report:  no report was available.

Job Seeking Skills Report: no report was available.

W-2 Updates:  Courtney Windorski reported FSC’s status on the Performance Standards.

·         Job Entry rate: some improvements were shown, but they are still in the failing category.

·         Earnings Stabilization:  has not been updated by the state yet. 

·         Customer Satisfaction:  have a satisfactory score of 4.1 out of 5.0.

·         Educational Attainment:  they are close to where they need to be for a satisfactory rating.


Nicole is starting some Employment Workshops in Waupaca Job Center now.  She will be talking about having positive attitudes, job search basics, knowing and understanding your criminal background, explaining your criminal background, accepting criticism, and other topics.  She plans to hold these on Friday mornings.  The group discussed whether this was the best time.  She may explore other time slots, and possibly collaborating with other counties that FSC serves.  These could be open to the public.  She will send a schedule of the workshops to Paul at FVTC, Sarah at CAP Services, Marilyn at UW-Extension. 

CSC Representatives:  Under the new W-2 contract, FSC will be forming its own Steering Committees.  Windorski shared a list of duties and expectations of committee members.  FSC will have a Steering Committee for the region of Waupaca, Shawano and Menomonee Counties.  Discussion was held as to where the committee should meet and who the members should be.  It was recommended that representation be from all 3 counties.  The County Exec. would need to appoint the members, as the language stands at this time.  This group could help recruit other members.  Windorski said she plans to meet quarterly, possibly starting in January.  Paul Shrode pointed out that we may see an increasing need for W-2 services due to the layoffs expected at Oshkosh Truck and supporting industries.

Windorski will send letters to prospective members, inviting them to become members of the committee.  She will contact Dick Koeppen to discuss appointing of members.  Current members who indicated a willingness to continue include: Shrode, Lehrer, Machamer, Remington and Heinrich.  Herman said she would need to get approval and there may be a better alternative. 

Moved by Herman, seconded by Lehrer, passed: to officially disband the current W-2 Community Steering Committee as of December 31, 2012, and to thank the Chair, Tony VanKampen, for his guidance and support and the members for serving on this committee.

A copy of these minutes will be passed on to Dick Koeppen, Waupaca County Board Chair.  Machamer will talk to him about this change.

Suggestions for agenda of the new Steering Committee:  FSC to describe the purpose of the committee and how its agency functions.  Shrode offered to allow the Steering Committee to continue to meet at FVTC either in Waupaca or in Clintonville.

Motion by Shrode, second by Lehrer, to adjourn.

Recorded by:

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Chris Machamer                                                                   Date