Nutrition Advisory Council Minutes

Marion Nutrition Center

June 13, 2012


Members present: George Stepien, David Nordwig, Shirley Nordwig, Janet Reilly, Steve Stead and Pat Enright,


Members absent: Dr. Janet Reilly, Carol Juedtke, Judy Parelli.


Staff or Guests: Kristine Wiegman, Jessie King, Ruby Niemuth, Mary Riske, Dorothy Arndt, Lou Vera Mavis, Bev Laux, and Wayne Laux.


The Nutrition Advisory Council was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Chairman George Stepien.


I.             Agenda reviewed. 

                Motion to approve Steve Stead, seconded by David Nordwig


II.            Minutes reviewed from March 14 2012 meeting.

                 Motion to approve Steve Stead, seconded by David Nordwig.


Public Comment: None


III.           Nutrition Director Report-Pat Enright

                A.  Reviewed the May 22, 2012 Committee on Aging minutes

                      B.  Senior Community Service Employment Program update.  Pat reported that New Curative workers were back up to 20 hours/week and there were even additional hours that were available for workers until July 1.

C.  Serve Safe Training update.  Mary Riske and Jessie King talked about how important this type of training is for those that help out serving and cleaning things up at the Centers.  Jessie mentioned that when workers hear someone else tell them that they must wear gloves, it carries more weight.  Everyone that went to the training came away with good information.  Pat said he was waiting for all the training tests to be turned in.

D.  Nutrition Program Assessment was delayed until August 8th.

E.   Donation Strategy Progress. 

-          Pat handed out a copy of the bids from caterers for the current 3 year period per the request from our last meeting.  We discussed meal costs from each vendor including labor, transportation and raw food. 

-          Pat said he received a letter from Greg at Iola living Assistance requesting that we reevaluate our costs with a request for an increase.  That situation is unique because the site manager is an employee and that is part of the contract and Pat and Greg will discuss strategies, one being a better utilization of volunteers as we do at other sites.

-          Everyone received an updated donation comparison sheet listing all the sites for 2010, 2011 and the first quarter of 2012.  The trend this year is an increase for most sites for both home delivered and congregate.  No way of knowing why the increase but we recently increased the request for donations to $3.50. 

-          Pat reported that we are now asking people at the initial assessment and at annual review if they would like to receive a bill.  For those who answer yes we will send a bill addressed where they would prefer.  Pat shared a copy of the letter that will be generated on a monthly basis for those who would like to receive them.

-          Also discussed was efforts to establish a “Friends of” not for profit so we could solicit donations that would be tax deductable.  A meeting is schedule next week and we’ll report more at the next meeting.

-          Pat also updated on catching up on late reassessments in Waupaca where the number of HDM makes it difficult for Joanne to keep up.  Pat worked with Janet Reilly to secure nursing students to get us caught up.  It has really been a win/win with the experience being a good one for the nurses and it gets us caught up on the reviews. 


IV.          Volunteer Coordinator Report

                 Kristine announced the date of the volunteer/senior citizen picnic is Friday Sept 14 2012. The entertainment will be provided by the      Geriatric Gentlemen of Jazz and their cost will be covered by a donation from the Shamrock Club of New London.  The theme will be Jazzed about Volunteer and the colors will be Mardi Gras colors.  Beads and other things like that would be appreciated. Kristine said she is often asked to fill in at the Breakfast Show on WDUX and she has received good results.  We are looking for more  volunteers for the Weyauwega site.


V.            Site and Committee reports

A.  Sites:

-  Marion:  David and Wayne mentioned that they felt attendance was down at Marion because of the suggested donation increase.  Pat reminded people that is was a donation request and that those who couldn’t afford it were welcome to give what they can afford.  Pat asked  members and others present to help us encourage people to attend whether they can afford the donation or not.  Brief discussion.  Dorothy Arndt mentioned that the numbers were down due some of the seniors dying and a few moved o nursing homes or assisted living.  Speaking from the information already provided Steve mentioned that he thought the numbers were good in Marion compared to Waupaca which was a larger populated area.  Brief brainstorming about other ways to get people to participate.  Dave said they come for bingo and cards.  Pat mentioned maybe playing bingo more than once a week.

-  Clintonville and New London:  Jessie said that her worker was doing fine and things were going along very well.  Jessie and Kim were planning on a Cloverleaf Lakes Pontoon trip together on July 26 and that Clintonville and New London were having a party honoring their seniors sponsored by Kindred Hearts at Clintonville on June 15.  Jessie asked how Marion liked the sweet sour pork recipe that Kim received from St. Joes, Marion said they said it was good and that Kim should try to get the meat loaf recipe. 


B.  Pat reported that Clintonville and New London communities are partnering together and having fund raisers to support the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on 8th September in Waupaca.  Clintonville is doing  “Music in the Park” on July 25th.  New London will be doing a Bowl-a-thon sometime in the fall.


VI.          Aging Plan 2013-2015 Advisory Committee Involvement

Pat handed out a list of dates and locations of public hearings held throughout the County.  He and Peggy will be out at 8 locations over the next few months presenting information and seeking input into our plan and the service gaps in our county. The State/Feds have certain areas that need to be covered and we are also allowed to incorporate local issues into the plan as well.  The purpose of these hearings is to gather information about the needs of older adults.  A survey will be incorporated into the presentations and we’ll seek assistance from others to encourage taking the survey including the caregiver coalition.


VII.         No future agenda items were requested by those present.


VIII.        Adjourn meeting


                Motion to adjourn Shirley Nordwig, seconded by Steve Stead. Motion carried. 2:15 p.m.


                Next Nutrition Advisory Council Meeting: September 12, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. Iola Nutrition Center.