MARCH 14, 2012



Present:  Paul Shrode, Sarah Heinrich, Marilyn Herman, Dick Turner, Mary Sue Voights, Gretchen Gerrits, Dave Thiel, Courtney Windorski, Brian Wolfe, Chris Machamer.

In the absence of Chair Tony VanKampen, Brian Wolfe chaired the meeting.

Meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm.

Motion by Dick Turner, second by Paul Shrode, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion by Marilyn Herman, second by Paul Shrode, to approve amended minutes, with Marilyn’s name added to the attendance, arriving late.  Motion carried.

Job Center Report:  Dick Turner provided a handout of the Waupaca Agency/Center Visits & Activities report for February 2012 and discussed the highlights.  Turner noted that last week, the Workforce Development Board approved operating the Waupaca Job Center 4 days/week, effective April 1.  Chris Schultz will be in the Job Center all 4 days. 

Turner also reported that there will not be a Job Fair in Waupaca Co. this year.  There are several other Job Fairs in the area.  The DWD website lists all job fairs in the state.  In Waupaca Co., the committee decided to do a Career Fair instead, including the high school students during the day, and adults in the evening.  They will focus on 3 industries:  manufacturing, health care and entrepreneurship.

Job Seeking Skills Report:  Turner reported that no workshops were held since the last meeting.  John Gosling still is coming to meet with individuals for job seeking skills.

W-2 Staffing report:  Brian Wolfe reported that 2 Forward Service Corp. (FSC) staff are covering the Waupaca office until the position is filled in Waushara and Marquette Counties.  Then Nicole Davis will be full time in Waupaca, around the middle or end of April.  They are also using Danielle from Shawano to do job development.  She will be starting a Job Club and will be doing outreach to employers.  The Job Club is mainly for W-2 participants, but could be open to others if the Job Center refers some.  They may try to hold the first one in Clintonville.

Caseload and Performance Standard Report:   Wolfe reported that there were 55 participants in February.  Job entry was at 1.3% for Feb.  It is low, and that is the reason for bringing Danielle in to help with job development.  The remaining performance standards were also reviewed.

New Business:  A discussion was held about what types of jobs are available in Waupaca County and employment strategies.  Wolfe requested that the committee be ready to discuss this in more depth at the next meeting, including what jobs and where they are.  The committee requested that a profile of the clients be given as to what skills they have, what education background, and they could then try to suggest places to find jobs for them.  Wolfe asked what Work Experience sites we have.  Chris Machamer reported on some of the sites being used recently, including Goodwill, FVTC, Energy Services, King Veteran’s Home, school systems, and WCI.  The private sector may provide good worksites and lead to more jobs.  Wolfe requested referrals to employers that could provide worksites and possible employment for W2 participants.   Wolfe will have information about clients for the next meeting.  Danielle will also be invited to the meeting next time to give an explanation of her efforts in the county and an overview of the program, and to hear suggestions for placements.

Identifying Child Care opportunities:  Mary Sue Voights presented information about how many providers of various types are currently in Waupaca County.  She also discussed the Young Star program that will start in July.  The number of providers is declining in Waupaca County and statewide this year.

Community Partnership Survey:  Sarah Heinrich asked members to complete a survey for CAP Services. 

Next Meeting:  May 16 3:00 pm.  Agenda items:  W-2 employment strategies, job development. 

Motion by Voights, seconded by Turner, to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 4:34 pm.


Submitted by:


________________________________________     ___________________

Chris Machamer, Coordinator                                                    Date


Approved by:


_________________________________________   _____________________

Chair, Tony VanKampen                                                                               Date

­­­ubmitted by:

 Meeting adjourned at 4:34 pm.



roviders is declining in Waupaca County and statewide this