WCDHHS Board Meeting Minutes

March 5, 2014

Waupaca County Courthouse

811 Harding Street

Waupaca, WI


Members Present:  Dave Neumann, Jerry Murphy, Don Morgan, Jan Lehrer, Elizabeth Tautges, Carl Kietzmann, Don Aasen

Members Excused:  Mary Kay Poehlman

Others Present:  Chuck Price, Lana Draeger, Amanda Welch,


The regular meeting of the Health and Human Services Board was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Jerry Murphy.


Public Comment:  None


Motion by Neumann, second by Lehrer, to accept agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion by Lehrer, second by Morgan, to approve minutes from February 5, 2014.  Motion carried.


Motion by Lehrer, second by Neumann, to adjourn into Closed Session per 19.85(1)(c)(f)(g) for the purposes of consideration of specific personnel issues and conferring with legal counsel regarding strategy with respect to potential litigation.  Roll call:  Tautges:  Yes; Neumann: Yes; Aasen: Yes; Kietzmann: Yes; Morgan: Yes; Lehrer: Yes; Murphy: Yes.  Motion carried.


Motion by Neumann, second by Tautges, to adjourn from Closed Session and Return into Open Session.  Roll call:  Tautges:  Yes; Neumann: Yes; Aasen: Yes; Kietzmann: Yes; Morgan: Yes; Lehrer: Yes; Murphy: Yes.  Motion carried.  Roll call:  Tautges:  Yes; Neumann: Yes; Aasen: Yes; Kietzmann: Yes; Morgan: Yes; Lehrer: Yes; Murphy: Yes.  Motion carried.


Action Items

  1. Personnel
    1. There were no resignations
    2. Employee update was reviewed.  We are recruiting for a Secretary position.
    3. CLTS LTE Extension – We are requesting a 3-month extension to the LTE position.  Bill Gonwa is willing to extend his time to help cover the duties of the FSP.  Motion by Lehrer, second by Neumann, to extend the CLTS LTE position up to 3 months.  Motion carried.
  2. Finance
    1. Income Statement Overview is through the month of January.  There are no areas for concern at this time.  Elizabeth questioned the Charter School.  We contract with Northwest Passage to provide services.  We don’t have employees at the school.
    2. Payment Register was shared with the Board.  Motion by Lehrer, second by Tautges, to approve bills.  Motion carried.


Reports to the Board

  1. Director’s Report
    1. General Update and Discussion – A lot of Chuck’s time has been spent on the fiscal situation and WCI.  We received the CST grant we applied for, in the amount of $68,000.  Last week there was a CCS 101 training to talk about Comprehensive Community Services.  There was a 6-county training, with each county bringing 10 employees.  We will start the 6-county consortium this summer.  This also involved expansion of other services – crisis stabilization, conversion services, and regional hub to look at a vacant school in Neshkoro about potential partnering around a crisis stabilization at the school.  This could be in partnership with Medical College of Wisconsin and look to provide various services for clients, provide staff training, and work on collaboration of resources.

Chuck and Kasey Kaepernick went to Milwaukee yesterday for a training on Trauma Informed Care.  Met with people from SaintA, a leader in TIC.  They invited Kasey to become a master trainer in ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences).  We have a training set up in New London on March 17 to work with school counselors. 

Income Maintenance staff are putting in overtime.  They were given a large workload that has required timelines to complete applications.

Chuck hopes to have a report at the next meeting as a follow-up to Organizational Effectiveness, along with a recommendation from Charlie Carlson.

    1. Alternate care reports for year end and January were available.  The out-of-home care budget came in over budget; however, our overall agency budget should be in the black.
    2. Mental Health budget also came in over budget.


  1. There were no additional announcements to share.


Motion by Aasen, second by Lehrer, to adjourn at 7:42 pm.  Motion carried.

Submitted by,


Lana Draeger

Office Manager


Approved by,

