WCDHHS Board Meeting Minutes

September 4, 2013

Waupaca County Courthouse

811 Harding Street

Waupaca, WI


Members Present:  Elizabeth Tautges, Jan Lehrer, Jerry Murphy, Mary Kay Poehlman, Carl Kietzmann, Dr. Steven Goedderz

Members Excused:  Dave Neumann, Don Morgan, Don Aasen

Members Absent:  None

Staff Present:  Lana Draeger, Chuck Price, Dana Strohm, Jennifer Brickey, Chris Machamer, Gail Yest, Nicole Lauritzen, Gene Ruppert


The regular meeting of the Health and Human Services Board was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Jerry Murphy.


Public Comment:  None


Motion by Lehrer, second by Tautges, to accept agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion by Kietzmann, second by Poehlman, to approve minutes from August 7, 2013.  Motion carried.


Action Items

A.    Personnel

1.      There were no resignations or retirements to report.  Dana Strohm was introduced to the Board as the new supervisor for Juvenile Justice, CPS Intake, and Foster Care.

2.      Employee Update was reviewed.

3.      Memo from Chris Machamer requesting two new Economic Support Specialist positions was reviewed, along with a Resolution.  The new Affordable Care Act program starts October 1, and our caseload is expected to increase by 3,532 cases.  She is requesting to hire the two staff by October 1.  The State has allocated additional funding that will cover the full cost of the positions.  If/When the workload or funding decreases, the positions would be eliminated or not refilled through attrition.  Jan suggested the resolution be changed to total cost of the two positions, rather than the cost of one.  Motion by Poehlman, second by Lehrer, to approve the two positions with the understanding that the resolution be changed to reflect the total cost of the positions.  Elizabeth questioned the training timeline.  These positions much be approved by HR/Finance and County Board Committees.  Chris stated there are possible candidates from the last interview group, and she could possibly have someone on board by October 1.  If no one is an option, she will need to advertise, and then the timeline for hiring would be extended.  Motion carried.

4.      Memo from Nicole Lauritzen requesting to hire an LTE in the Birth to 3 program during staff vacancies and leaves was reviewed.  They have had an open position since June, but have not had a qualified candidate.  The program requires certified teachers.  Nicole stated the current staff has been working extra hours during the vacancy.  Jerry questioned if the staff would continue working extra hours if the LTE was approved.  Nicole will monitor workload and hours of staff, and will reduce hours as workload decreases.  The program is averaging 12 referrals per month.  Nicole gave a review of the services and timelines after referral.  The program must meet timelines, or they could have funding withheld.  Because of the current vacancy, Nicole feels the program has sufficient funds to cover the cost of the LTE.  Motion by Lehrer, second by Poehlman, to approve the LTE position as requested.  Motion carried.

5.      Memo from Gail Yest requesting WWWP Staff changes was reviewed.  Gail’s request is to extend Terri Brooks’ time as manager and Joann Rasmussen’s hours to cover the duties of the program.  This program is projected to continue to receive funding through 2014.  Jerry suggested we continue the program as is and bring back more information with the budget.  Motion by Poehlman, to run the program as requested until the end of the year, then look to build this cost into the 2014 budget.  Second by Lehrer.  We have been getting the grant every year.  No county dollars are part of this program.  It is all grant funded.  Motion carried.


B.     Finance

1.      Beacon House Group Home Sprinkler System recommendation was reviewed.  At a past Board meeting, Gene was asked to get three quotes for the sprinkler system, which is a requirement by April 1, 2014.  If we don’t install the sprinkler system, the residents can no longer live in the home.  Gene reviewed the three quotes.  He is recommending Pace Corporation at $20,391.  All sprinkler systems must have plans submitted and receive state approval prior to installation.  Jan questioned if insurance would be reduced if we put in the sprinkler system.  Gene will follow up.  Carl suggested we enter into a 3-year agreement.  Chuck and Gene will work Clarity Care on lease possibilities.  Jerry suggested we put this on hold until we talk with Clarity Care.  Jerry asked Jenny, based upon that facility pre-sprinkler system, where are we standing versus incoming or outgoing funding.  Are we in the black or red, and how much?  If it comes to the point to recommend selling either or both home, where does the money go?  The dollars would come back into the Health and Human Services Department budget.  Jenny will bring this information back to the Board next month.

2.      Director Price asked Jenny to give an overview of the Income Statement.  Expenses are on target through July.

3.      Payment register and bills were reviewed.  Motion by Lehrer, second by Goedderz, to approve bills.  Motion carried.

Chair Murphy requested a recess at 7:22 pm.  Meeting resumed at 7:27 pm.

4.      Discussion held on the 2014 Budget.  We are continuing to meet on the 2014 budget.  The budget is looking good at this time.  The area we are looking closely at is out-of-home care for children.  Areas of struggle are units requesting increased staffing.  The Board was asked about their feelings of increasing staff currently working 29 hours per week to 30 hours per week due to insurance.  With the new Affordable Care Act, staff will no longer qualify for insurance unless they work at least 30 hours per week.  For positions that are fully funded by grants, Jerry feels we would have a strong stand for increasing hours, but for those positions with County funding, there may be a problem getting hours increased.  Jenny stated numbers could be pulled together in 2-3 weeks. The Board decided to hold a budget meeting on September 25 at 6:00 pm.  The intent would be to present the budget to the Committee, to allow the Board to ask questions, then have the budget ready for approval on October 2.  Jerry asked Chuck and Jenny to bring requested budget information on the group homes to the September 25 meeting.


Reports to the Board

A.    Director’s Report

1.      General Update and Discussion – the Department has been very busy.  Today we started a new employee orientation in a group setting.  We spent the morning orienting new staff.  Each Manager came into the group to explain their units.  There was great feedback from staff that attended.  Chuck and Dana met with Judge Hoffman and DA’s office to talk about philosophies and ideas working with the Courts, helping staff with workloads, and improving relationships.  Chuck, Dana, and Shannon met with Waupaca School District today, and are trying to get out to as many school districts as possible.  We are launching into an Organizational Effectiveness process with two facilitators to look at our processes.  We decided to start by looking at the Children and Families Division, measuring caseloads and staff workloads.  The Management Team started a management read, by reviewing the book, “Good to Great”, and being lead by Dana as facilitator.

2.      Alternate Care Report was reviewed.  Out of home care for children continues to be a concern for us. We are working on a grant for reunification for children and families.  This provides funding to maintain children in the community rather than an institution.

3.      Mental Health report was reviewed.  Winnebago and Mendota payments are typically from previous months.  The unit is looking to refill the Crisis Coordinator position.


Motion by Lehrer, second by Poehlman, to adjourn into closed session per Chapter 19.85(l)(f), Preliminary consideration of investigation of specific personnel problems.  Roll call vote:  Tautges: Yes; Poehlman: Yes; Goedderz: Yes; Kietzmann: Yes; Lehrer: Yes; Murphy: Yes.  Motion carried.


Motion by Lehrer, second by Tautges, to adjourn from closed session and return into open session.  Roll call vote: Tautges: Yes; Poehlman: Yes; Goedderz: Yes; Kietzmann: Yes; Lehrer: Yes; Murphy: Yes.  Motion carried.


Motion by Kietzmann, second by Goedderz, to adjourn at 8:40 pm.  Motion carried.


Submitted by,



Lana Draeger

Office Manager


Approved by,


