WCDHHS Board Meeting Minutes

August 7, 2013

Waupaca County Courthouse

811 Harding Street

Waupaca, WI


Members Present:  Elizabeth Tautges, Dave Neumann, Carl Kietzmann, Jerry Murphy, Jan Lehrer, Don Morgan, Mary Kay Poehlman, Don Aasen, Dr. Steven Goedderz

Members Absent:  None

Staff Present:  Chuck Price, Lana Draeger, Gene Ruppert, Jennifer Brickey, Alysia Dillenberg, Chris Machamer, Christie Gonwa

Others Present:  Hannah Uitenbroek, Sarah Wildes, Sonda Koplien, Brandi Marquard; Members - Melissa, Cydney, Jay, Cody, Joyce


The regular meeting of the Health and Human Services Board was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Jerry Murphy.


Public Comment:  Dave Milbrandt and Cindy Kleinschmidt were present to address the Board.  They are Guardians of a child.  They stated the child has come back 4 times from home visits with injuries.  The incident was May 1, the child told them on May 2, and they called on May 3 and 7.  To this day, no one has talked to them or the child.  They called May 15 and understand there is a 60-day window to report, which would be July 15.  They have not heard back.  The child also reported to the Guidance Counselor at school.  They are asking why no one has contacted them.  They stated they heard there are no written procedures.  Jerry Murphy stated he will turn this over to Director Price to follow up.  Director Price stated he will look into it and get back to them.


Chair Murphy asked to move the WCI Remodel up to this point in the agenda. 


Motion by Lehrer, second by Poehlman, to accept agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion by Lehrer, second by Kietzmann, to approve minutes from July 3 and July 11, 2013.  Motion carried.


WCI Remodel –

A group of WCI County staff, DEN staff, and WCI members shared a proposal on remodeling at WCI to accommodate changes to create a company store to help with their mission.  The remodeling would change the current office area to the company store.  A new office area would be built into the cafeteria area.  The company store would be used as a work site for members, and would replace the vending machines.  Profits would go toward funding member events.  Five members gave a presentation on how the store would benefit them.  The store would initially hold vending machine items.  As the store grows, they would like to include additional items, such as WCI clothing.  Gene stated they were here tonight to seek the Board’s approval to go ahead with the next steps for remodeling, including drawing up plans.  Property Committee will hear these ideas tomorrow, and give recommendations on next steps to get bids.  Don Aasen said that every time they have brought things forward, it has been to benefit the members.  He complimented them on this project.  Jan asked if there was the possibility of finding a grant to fund this project.  Gene hasn’t found any at this point.  No motion was needed at this time.

Action Items

A.    Personnel

1.      There were no Resignations/Retirements to report.

2.      Employee Update was shared.  Second interviews were held yesterday for Economic Support.  Interview date set for new Accountant position.  Recruiting for CBH Manager.

3.      40-Hour Workweek Requests

a.       WCI/Community Employment Specialist – Alysia Dillenberg reviewed her request to increase hours for Lisa Grasshoff from 36.25 to 40 hours per week effective August 1, 2013.  She works closely with DVR and typically works 40 hours/week.  Her caseload is growing, and the requirements and expectations are increasing.  Cost for this increase is approximately $1,957.83.  Motion by Lehrer, second by Poehlman, to increase hours to 40.  The 36.25 hours/week was a negotiated item with the Union years ago.  Motion carried.

b.      Economic & Employment Support Staff – Chris Machamer reviewed her request to increase hours for all Economic and Employment Support staff from 36.25 hours/week to 40 hours effective September 1, 2013.  With the increased insurance costs, this saves on County costs.  Because of the Affordable Care Act, they will have lots more clients, along with a large increase of funding.  The largest surge in clients is expected at least from October this year through next year, and through the biennial budget through 2015.  The consortium has agreed to go with 40 hours per week with all counties.  The 40 hours would be a permanent change.  If funding and clients are decreased, the hours would decrease.  Increasing hours to 40/week would be less costly than insurance and benefits for an additional position.  Motion by Lehrer, second by Morgan, to approve the request to increase all staff to 40 hours/week.  The increase is based on a number of details, showing increased clients and economy.  Motion carried.

4.      ADRU Resolution/Eliminate Program Assistant Position, Create Social Worker Position – Christie Gonwa reviewed a resolution to make a change in staffing.  The Unit is in need of another Social Worker, due to the increase in referrals.  With Kathy Austin retiring, Peggy Strey has been hired to replace Kathy.  Peggy is currently the Program Assistant for the Unit.  She is proposing to eliminate the Program Assistant position, and create a Social Worker position.  This request has been a project by the Unit.  She stated this proposal is budget neutral.  She is requesting this proposal to go effective September 4.  Motion by Poehlman, second by Kietzmann, to approve the reorganization and resolution as proposed.  Elizabeth asked about the referrals.  Christie reviewed the process that needs to be followed and options based on each individual’s needs.  Motion carried.


B.     Finance

1.      Chuck gave the Income Statement Overview through June.  The budget seems to be on track.  Elizabeth questioned the fraud item.

2.      Payment Register and Bills were reviewed.  Jan questioned White Pine Consulting.  Motion by Neumann, second by Lehrer, to approve register and bills.  Motion carried.

3.      WCI Remodel – discussed earlier in the agenda.

4.      Budget Discussion – Chuck, Jennifer, and Heidi Dombrowski have started working on the 2014 budget.  There will be a more in depth review of the budget next month.  Managers are giving ideas for budget savings.  One area that has come up is employee mileage.  Mileage for one Unit alone was over $33,000 for 2012.  It was suggested to discuss leasing a vehicle.  Total DHHS staff mileage for 2012 was over $180,000.  Jerry asked if there were other counties that had these cars.  Chuck stated he believed there are, including possibly Adams, Sheboygan, and Brown.  No action was requested tonight.  We may bring this item up with the budget.


Reports to the Board

A.    Director’s Report

1.      General Update and Discussion – Public Service Announcement was put out today because of last night’s storm.  The storm and damage affected our Department, especially with the Public Health area for emergency preparedness and Jed Wohlt, Sanitarian.  Staff needed to deliver meals because Lakeview Manor caters meals and was without power.  A shelter was established at Parkview School in New London.  Linda Behm and Terry Harrington were in connection with Andy Carlin of Emergency Government all day.  An Organizational Effectiveness training will be held with managers on August 21, along with some Managers from other counties, to work with leadership development.  Meetings will then be held two days/month through December.

2.      Alternate Care report was reviewed.  That budget is running high this year.  Dollars are being designated for post-reunification programs.  This is estimated to be $1,100 per child per month to help maintain those children at home rather than in institutions.

3.      Mental Health report was reviewed.  This budget is also running high with emergency detentions.  With the Manager vacancy, Chuck has been meeting often with the Unit.  They are looking again at developing a Crisis Manager position.  This would help coordinate crisis.


Motion by Aasen, second by Tautges, to adjourn at 7:30 pm.  Motion carried.


Submitted by,


Lana Draeger

Office Manger


Approved by,

