WCDHHS Board Meeting Minutes

January 4, 2012

Waupaca County Courthouse

811 Harding Street

Room 1068

Waupaca, WI


Members Present:  Elizabeth Tautges, Pat Craig, Joe McClone, Donn Allen, Don Aasen, Jan Lehrer, Dr. Steven Goedderz

Members Excused:  Gerald Murphy

Members Absent:  None

Staff Present:  Dennis Dornfeld, Lana Draeger, Alan Stauffer, Gail Yest, Jed Wohlt


The regular meeting of the Health and Human Services Board was called to order at 6:00 pm by Vice Chair Donn Allen.


Public Comment:  None


Motion by Craig, second by McClone, to accept agenda.  Motion carried.
Motion by Craig, second by Tautges, to approve minutes from December 7, 2011.  Motion carried.


Action Items

A.    Personnel

1.      Motion by Craig, second by Aasen, to accept resignation of Michael Champion and retirement of Margo Strompolis.  Amy Flanigan, Charter School Social Worker, has posted into Margo’s position.  We are having discussion on refilling Mike’s position.  Motion carried.

2.      Employee Update was reviewed.

B.     Finance

1.      Income Statement Overview was given by Dennis.  One significant issue on page 3 of revenues is the Medicaid Cost Collections of $500,000, and last year we had $337,000.  We have not received the final state payment yet, which will be posted to the 2011 budget.  Page 2 for WCI revenues, we are $810,000 under budget.  We are at least two months behind on collections.  A $90,000 payment was placed into the mental health outpatient budget rather than WCI.  A journal entry has corrected this error.  Page 14 Family Care Buy-Out budget to the State was $983,246.  We are over 2011 budget by $289,212.25 due to taking money from the preceding year to make a payment.  We have taken the buy-down from the fund balance in past payments.  We will reconcile later in the year, which should put the budget back on track for 2012.  We still have a positive balance of $149,560 for the 2011 budget.

2.      Bills were routed for review.  Motion by Lehrer, second by McClone, to approve bills.  Motion carried.

3.      Jeff Wohlt reviewed Sanitarian rates for 2012.  Everything marked in red is new for 2012.  Pre-inspection fees were not previously included in all rates.  Some fees were also restructured.  Pat Craig questioned the pre-inspection fees if a person takes over an establishment that has met inspection.  Gail Yest stated some things are grandfathered in with existing owners, but changes may need to be made when new owners take over.  Donn Allen questioned the example of low, moderate, or complex.  Simple would be a bar & grill; McDonald’s would be moderate; complex would be the higher end restaurants.  Late fees are set at $100.  Fees are set to cover the program costs.  Motion by Lehrer, second by Craig, to approve rates as presented.  Motion carried.

C.     Other

1.      Proposed Charter School Day Treatment Program changes were explained by Alan Stauffer.  The Social Worker at the school has posted into a staffing vacancy.  The proposal is to eliminate the Social Worker position and allow Northwest Journey to become responsible for staffing the school for a day treatment program, with the exception of a contracted psychologist and mental health nurse provided by the County.  This proposal would save the county $21,005.  Alan shared a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enter into with Northwest Journey.  Motion by Craig, second by Lehrer, to approve the Charter School changes as proposed.  Elizabeth questioned the mental health component and could a student get the therapy elsewhere.  To be eligible, the student has to have failed school and outpatient therapy, and require a substantial amount of one-on-one therapy.  This program has helped maintain a child at home and not placed into a costly institution.  Jan questioned whether a student from a Parochial school would qualify.  We have never had referral from these schools.  Target ages for the school are 11-14.  Donn asked if we have received feedback from any children.  Most kids return to their home district.  We do surveys to the families, and we have received good comments from parents as far as progress their child has received.  Alan believes this program helped to cut the out-of-home care costs in half.  Motion carried.


Reports to the Board

A.    Director’s Report

1.      General Update and Discussion

-          In the budget, we have 25 software licenses for a new computer program.  The program is TCM that many other counties have.  Outagamie and Calumet Counties have this program, and when the State reviewed our ADRC program, they said we need to have the same program to meet criteria.  We will be evaluating the program and may request to increase to 50 licenses.

-          We are on track with the timeframe to have first round interviews for Director.  Second round of interviews will be January 26 for Finance and DHHS Board. 

-          HR will be advertising for the WCI Manager’s position.  Dennis feels the staff at WCI is doing well.

-          Dennis shared an email from the Governor’s Office that he was lifting the cap on Family Care and going forward with expansion to other counties.  The Federal Government ordered the lift of family care.

-          Lasts fall, the Transportation Committee decided to enter into the grant cycle for new buses for WCI.  Due to missing a deadline, we were unable to apply.

-          Chair Dick Koeppen will not be appointing a replacement for John Trambauer but will wait until spring elections.  We are aware that Joe will not be at the February meeting, so we need to be sure we have enough members for meeting quorum.

2.      Alternate Care budget is projected to be under budget.  The state is cutting back youth aids funding by about $80,000 for 2012, and this is a concern for the budget. 

3.      Mental Health budget is positive.


B.     Announcements and Correspondence

1.      Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW) will be working in the Village of Iola and Harrison Town.


Motion by Aasen, second by Lehrer, to adjourn at 7:15pm.   Motion carried.


Submitted by,


Lana Draeger

Office Manager


Approved by,


