Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Calumet, Outagamie and Waupaca Counties

                                                Regional Advisory Committee Minutes

                                                            November 13, 2014


Members Present:  Lemanski, Schamens, Luebke, Gentz, Schreiner, Lehrer, Renning, Hughes


Members Excused:  Radtke, Redman, Hopfensperger, Neumann


Staff Present:  Elias Planner, Stratton, Dewhurst, Gonwa, Kramer, Russell, Schimmelpfenning, Brown


Public Present:  Grode


1)      CALL TO ORDER:  Luebke called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

2)      QUORUM:  It was determined that the meeting was properly announced and that a quorum was present.

3)      ROLL CALL AND INTRODUCTIONS:  Member and staff introduction and welcome.

4)      APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES:  Motion by Lehrer and a second by Schreiner to approve the agenda and September 11, 2014 meeting minutes. 



7)      COMMITTEE MEMBER REPORT:  Luebke and Stratton reported on presentations given by the Lakeland Care District, Community Care Inc., and the ADRC on November 6, 2014. IRIS was invited but was not able to attend.  The event was sponsored by SOAR (formerly the ARC of the Fox Cities). Stratton represented the ADRC.  No marketing of services by the MCO’s occurred. The audience included current participants and/or family members currently utilizing the services of a Managed Care Organization and individuals seeking information for future enrollment.

Kramer reported that Redman and Radtke were absent because they were attending the Self-Determination in Wisconsin Dells this week.   Harriet Redman from WisconsinSibs (formerly the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network) presented at a pre-conference session on the role of siblings and the statewide unveiling of the new WisconsinSibs name and logo.  Rich and Harriet Redman were also attending on Thursday, November 13, 2014, the luncheon in Milwaukee to honor the winners and nominees for the statewide Social Innovation Prize honoring people 50 years and older who have made a difference in social issues across the state.  Harriet Redman was a nominee. It was suggested that Harriet be invited to the January meeting to present on the WisconsinSibs program.



Community Living Specialists Casey Brown, Heidi Russell and Jennifer Schimmelpfenning gave a presentation on the work they are doing in Outagamie and Waupaca Counties with nursing home relocations and Connections to Community Living. This program is funded by federal funds through the Money Follows the Person grant. Brown presented on the role of the CLS, process for relocations, and number of referrals.  In 2013, CLS/s received 267 referrals including 203 for Waupaca and 64 for Outagamie County.  In 2014, a total of 354 referrals have been received to date with 165 in Waupaca and 189 in Outagamie County.

Brown and Schimmelpfenning work with Waupaca County nursing homes and Russell works Outagamie County nursing homes. Schimmelpfenning’s primary responsibilities include working with the King Veteran’s Home (721 beds) in Waupaca.  The other nursing homes in Waupaca have 615 beds. Outagamie County has 872 beds.  Building relationships with nursing home social workers, staff and residents has been the key to the success of this program.



1.       Written statistical reports were shared by the branch offices.  An increase in walk-in traffic was noted in Waupaca County.  This has been a trend in the COW counties and the state due to the radio and television advertising campaign. 

2.      Staffing:  Outagamie noted that a staff person will be out in December on a medical leave. Waupaca noted that the clerk/typist position has been posted for hire.  Sherry Rindt, ADRC Assistant, will be retiring at the end of December but will return part-time in January to assist in training a new hire.  The ADRC Assistant position is a contracted position with Valley Packaging Inc. and has been posted for hire.

3.      Special Events: The first year Caregiver Conference in Calumet County on October 28, 2014 in Brillion was successful with 62 vendors and 40 attendees.  Comments from attendees were positive.  The Caregiver Conference on November 7, 2014 at the Crystal Falls Banquet Facility in New London had 45 in attendance and 10 walk-ins. The founder of “Caring Bridge”, Sonya Mehring, presented at the New London conference and the evening prior in Appleton.  It was noted the importance of outreach to employers to educate on the number of employees who may be caregivers and the resources available to them.  November is National Family Caregiver’s Month. This year’s theme is “Care Comes Home”.  A handout was shared on the importance of the ability of individuals to be able to stay at home.

4.      Prevention:  Fall is busy with prevention activities in the three counties.  It was noted that the THRIVES, “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” 6 session class has 14 individuals signed up. Strong Bones will occur year round in Iola.  Physical Therapy Assistants will be providing strength assessments.  “Brains and Balance” will take place at the Senior Center (Waupaca Co).  Prevention classes and events are posted on the ADRC Regional website: and are updated weekly.



1.       Kramer reviewed the Regional ADRC Management Plan for 2014/2015 with the Regional Advisory Committee Members and managers.  Members received the management plan & attachments in advance of the meeting.  Kramer reviewed the performance goal and the ADRC Contract Requirement.  The plan includes:  Strategies regarding the roles and responsibilities of the Regional Coordinator and branch management staff including job descriptions.  Method and frequency of communication with managers, local boards and committees, and the governing board were reviewed.  The plan includes the following attachments:  the ADRC Regional Organizational Chart; ADRC Community Involvement; Job Descriptions and the Quality Assurance Plan.  



A.     A motion was made by Renning and a second from Gentz to accept the Regional Management Plan and accompanying documents.  Motion carried unanimously.

B.     Meeting Dates and Location for 2015

The Regional ADRC Advisory Committee determined that the time and location of every other month, 6 times per year, on the second Thursday of the month, worked for the best for committee members and staff.  The meetings will be held at Goodwill Industries in Menasha at 2:00 p.m. in the Obeya Room.  Meetings for 2015 are as follows:  January 8th; March 12th; May 14th; July 9th; September 10th; and November 12th.   A motion was made by Lehrer and a second by Schamens to accept the date, time and locations as presented for 2015.


NEXT MEETING:  January 8, 2015, 2:00 p.m.

                              Goodwill Industries, Menasha


MEETING ADJOURNED:   Motion by Lehrer, second by Gentz.  Motion carried unanimously.