Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Calumet/Outagamie/Waupaca

                                    Regional Advisory Committee Minutes

                                                March 13, 2014

                                    Goodwill Industries, Menasha


Members Present:   Gentz, Luebke, Schreiner, Radtke, Richman, Schamens, Lehrer, Renning, Stepien, Wolter


Members Excused:   Karth, Iverson, Hughes


Staff Present:  Dewhurst, Elias Planner, Stratton, Kramer


1)      CALL TO ORDER:  Luebke called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.


2)      QUORUM:  It was determined that the meeting was properly announced and that

a quorum was present.


3)      ROLL CALL AND INTRODUCTIONS:  Member introduction and welcome of guest Ed Kleckner.


4)   APROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES:  Motion by Radtke and a second

from Renning to approve the agenda and the January 9, 2014 minutes.  Correction in the ADRC Coordinator Report regarding the regional staff training that was held on December 11, 2013 not 2014.






7)      COMMITTEE MEMBER REPORT:  Luebke reported on an article in the Little Chute Times Villager featuring his son, Dan Luebke.  Redman reported on the Deohaeko Support Network that is a group of families and people with disabilities that work together to consider where and how adults with disabilities would live and be part of their community.  The Deohaeko Support Network in Canada built a 105-unit housing cooperative in Pickering, Ontario.  This non-profit group is run by parents of adult children with disabilities.  On Tuesday, March 18, 2014, at 4:30 p.m. Reid Ribble will be holding a listening session sponsored by the ARC and NAMI.  The ABLE Act, a federal congressional act, was mentioned related to Social Security Income. The ABLE Act is related to Section 529 of the Internal Revenue code and would add a subsection for disabilities.   Kramer will forward information on the ABLE Act to committee members.  On March 19, 2014, the New Hope Center in Chilton is hosting a discussion on Community Rehabilitation Centers which may be phased out.  Redman reported on Helen’s House, four bedroom long term care homes in residential neighborhoods that provide skilled medical care.




                  Krueger shared a handout on ADRC prevention activities in the regional

                  ADRC that include:  Med-Wise: Talking with your Pharmacist; CarFit:

Helping Mature Drivers Find Their Fit; Strong Women/Strong Bones; Stepping On: Falls Prevention Workshop; Living Well with Chronic Disease:

                  Self-Management Workshop; and Health Living with Diabetes.  All events

and dates are listed on the ADRC Regional Website at www.yourADRC   Krueger also reported on the federal research study grant that is a partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy and the School of Medicine, 3 local pharmacies, and the ADRC.  The intent of the study is to see if medicine use can be modified to prevent falls.  The individuals recruited must be 65 years of age or older. Participation includes 4 interviews over the phone over 6 months; 60 minute in-person meetings with a local pharmacist to talk about medications; and keeping track of falls over the 6 months of the study.

Krueger, Gentz, and Dewhurst provided updates on county health and wellness activities in the region.  Waupaca County has a Nutrition and Activity Coalition (NuAct) which is putting significant effort into Safe Routes for schools and community to promote biking and walking.  The Environmental Youth Connections is building capacity of educational staff and volunteers to engage young people in outdoor activities. The Waupaca Co. Farm to School program has 2 AmeriCorps volunteers for nutrition and outreach programs. Calumet County has committees concentrating on Obesity; REACH (Reducing Excessive Alcohol Consumption for Health); and the Calumet County Calumet Activity and Nutrition Coalition (UCAN) that has developed an “Eat Right, Move More” resource guide for healthy living in Calumet County.   The guide lists low or no cost activities; maps and lists of farmer’s markets and farm stands. Healthy Eating classes are being held at the Calumet County Courthouse.   Outagamie County conducted the Community Health Improvement Process (CHIP) and formed four groups to work on community health. A Nutrition Educator had facilitated the nutrition and activity committee (FAN).


Branch offices shared the most recent Contact Activity Reports for 2014 and ADRC Connection Newsletters.  A Caregiver Resource Fair will be held on April 12, 2014, 9-11 a.m., at the D. J.  Bordini Center in Appleton across from the Fox Valley Technical College (FVTC) main campus. This event is sponsored by the Outagamie Caregiver Coalition and Occupational Therapy Assistant Program at FVTC.  Staff updates include the addition of Sandra (Sandy McBride) as a new Disability Benefit Specialist in Outagamie County.


 Kramer reported on the regional Quality Improvement project, “Marketing to the Medical Community” including a Change Project Summary Report.  The Quality Improvement/Organizational Effectiveness (OE) project team met on February 26, 2014 lead by Todd Romenesko, OE trainer to assess progress in 2013 and establish next steps. Progress included outreach to medical team members especially Network Health Plan and the Affinity Medical Group. Connections with prevention programs at these facilities opened doors to ADRC presentations. Satisfaction Surveys were reviewed by ADRC staff and advisory groups.   Next steps include expanding marketing to additional medical teams and collection of baseline & additional data through Hotline/Referrals in the ADRC branch offices. Paramedics, Emergency Medical Technicians, and fire departments, would be good audiences for marketing the ADRC. Training has already occurred with some services such as Gold Cross.   The FVTC would be a good means to reach newly trained paramedics.  It was recommended that the ADRC have a booth at Farm Technology Days in Portage County to market the ADRC.  Kramer will contact the ADRC Director in Portage to inquire about their participation. 




                  Kramer sent committee members a link to the Wisconsin Dementia Care   

                  ReDesign.  ADRC in Wisconsin had the opportunity to submit an application

                  for a Dementia Care Specialist position for the COW counties.  Stratton

      provided a report on reasons why the COW managers chose not to apply.  

      The Fox Valley Memory Project does have Dementia Care Specialists on

                  Staff.  The Fox Valley Memory Project is having an open house on April 4

                  2014 at the Thompson Community Center.


                  Committee discussed the following:  complaints; transportation vendors and

                   getting individuals to appointments by the Medical Vans; reimbursement is

                   based on a capitated payment; and the challenges of managing transportation

       through a transportation manager.  Stratton and Gonwa serve on the state

       MTM Advisory Committee and may have more information at the next



       in the State Senate but not the State Assembly.  Valley Transit will be “ok” if

       Federal government reauthorizes MAP 21 in September.  


The election of the chair and vice chair will be held at the May meeting.  The County HHS Directors, (Romenesko, Price and Davis) work with the HHS county supervisor appointments to the ADRC Regional Advisory Committee.  Stratton, Gonwa and Dewhurst will consult with the HHS directors on the appointments to the committee.  Korth will be resigning in May from the committee.


NEXT MEETING:  May 8, 2014   2:00  p.m.  Annual Meeting

                               Goodwill Industries, Obeya Room, Menasha


MEETING ADJOURNED:  Motion by Lehrer, second by Richman. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Darlene Kramer, Regional Coordinator