April 1, 2014



This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting.



Chairperson Patricia Craig called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Waupaca County Courthouse. 



MEMBERS PRESENT: Patricia Craig, Mary Kay Poehlman, Janice Lytie, Kay Anderson and Kenneth Renning


MEMBERS EXCUSED: Mary Mathwig and Wayne Laux




ALSO PRESENT: Christie Gonwa and Peggy Strey.




Motion to accept agenda made by Ken Renning, seconded by Mary Kay Poehlman.  Motion carried.



II.     REVIEW AND ACCEPT MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11, 2014:  A motion was made by Patricia Craig to accept the minutes of February 11, 2014.  Seconded by Mary Kay Poehlman.  Motion carried.



Peggy Strey was introduced to new committee member, Kay Anderson.


Public Comment:  None



Peggy Strey described some of the assistance she and Disability Benefit Specialist, Karen Engel, bring to community members.  Karen was unable to attend as she was meeting with a client.  Some services include providing Medicare information, helping to sign up for Medicare Part D, understanding how to get Social Security, Homestead Tax Credit, signing up for disability benefits.  Peggy explained how people in the community, no matter their economic background, can be helped or guided, and that their support and new education are provided by attorneys through GWAAR and the state.  All information is kept confidential from anyone at the county having awareness of services sought.  The use of the programs by those who are elderly or disabled are provided for in the taxes we pay and are intended for all citizens.  Peggy said that she and Karen intend to do more group education together this year and will try to reach more people.




Mary Kay Poehlman asked Christie to get a list of common county abbreviations for Kay and all of the committee members since so many acronyms are used with the county’s programs.


A.     Personnel Changes:  It was discussed that there will be an ADRC Consortium meeting on April 8th to discuss adding another Community Living Specialist to Waupaca County under federal funds from Money Follows the Person as the nursing home relocation program has been so successful with over 200 people being assisted in the past year. 

B.     Nutrition Site/Advocacy Committee Report:  An inservice is being planned for all site managers to review sanitation standards, blood borne pathogens, basic first aid and other topics.  This full day has never been done before and it is a good chance to give extra information to the staff.  The site mangers give so much information and are supportive of not only participants, but other community members as well.  The role of the site is far more than nutrition and activities, and community members know that they can seek support of the site mangers.  Pat asked when the Older Americans Act was first legislated.  Christie thought possible 1964.  Pat said that those staff members should be recognized by the county board and certainly should be brought to the Committee on Aging to be introduced.  Christie will double check the year of the OAA enactment.  She will also make arrangements to have all site managers introduced at the Committee on Aging.

C.     Transportation Coordination Committee: Minutes of the March 4, 2014 meeting were highlighted.  An inservice is also being planned for the volunteer drivers, to include blood borne pathogens, basic first aid and the introduction of the new volunteer handbook.  The previous handbook has not been updated since the 1990’s.  Drivers will also need to fill out W-9’s so as to receive 1099’s at the end f the year.  This is something that should have been done years ago as the reimbursement to the drivers is taxable and the drivers can write off only the charitable contribution portion of their expense.

D.     Committee on Aging Board Member Job Description:  The job description was passed out for signature.  Pat suggested that members take it home to review since it had not been reviewed for some time.  It will be brought forward to the next meeting for signature.

E.      Disability Advocacy Group: The first meeting was held on March 8th.  Although a small group, people were very interested.  Both people who are disabled and parents were represented.  This group is being assisted by the ADRU, two social workers from the Family and Community Services Unit and Options for Independent Living out of Green Bay.  Senator Luther Olson was present and was very supportive of the group continuing in this county for the purpose of assisting those who have not had an ability to advocate for themselves.

F.      Organizational Effectiveness: This is a method that has previously been used by our ADRC consortium and has also been introduced at Waupaca County Department of Health and Human Services.  The organization’s strengths are identified as well as outcomes that are to be achieved.  Leadership, work processes, systems and the culture are discussed in-depth, and strategies are developed to reached better outcomes for clients, community and/or staff in improved or more effective manners.  This method will also be used as time allows within the ADRU to look at improved ways to deliver high quality services for our customers.

G.    Specialization of Job Duties in Unit: Staff has been taking on unique duties within the unit so as to specialize with certain target groups or in doing certain areas of service.  The goal is to become more highly specialized and do deliver improved services, and then teach the rest of the staff the basics so that they can back up others on the unit.  This is a basic step we are doing that will be developed much further once we have time to set forth a plan for our unit Organizational Effectiveness.  An example would be working through the process of Youth Transitions with the other units and coming up with better ways to communicate with customers and families, as well as reach out to more people who are presently not served.



There was no additional information to share from GWAAR.


VII.           ADJOURN: There being no addition business, motion was made for meeting to be adjourned by Kay Anderson, seconded y Mary Kay Poehlman.   Motion carried.


VIII.        Next Meeting:  May 27th at the Iola Nutrition Site, Iola Living Oaks Assisted Living.




Respectfully submitted by



Christie Gonwa,

Aging and Disability Resource Unit Manager