February 11, 2014



This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting.



Chairperson Patricia Craig called the meeting to order at 1:00 the Weyauwega Nutrition Site, First Presbyterian Church, 200 S. Pine Street, Weyauwega, WI  54983



MEMBERS PRESENT: Patricia Craig, Mary Kay Poehlman, Janice Lytie and Kenneth Renning


MEMBERS EXCUSED: Mary Mathwig, Kay Anderson, Wayne Laux




ALSO PRESENT: Christie Gonwa, Darlene Kramer, Caroline Webb, Amy Temby and Michelle Gardner.




Motion to accept agenda made by Mary Kay Poehlman, seconded by Kenneth Renning.  Motion carried.



II.     REVIEW AND ACCEPT MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2013:  A motion was made by Kenneth Renning to accept the minutes of November 19, 2013.  Seconded by Mary Kay Poehlman. Motion carried.



Caroline Webb, Weyauwega Nutrition Site Manager, and Tracy Wisner with Adult Protective Services were both introduced.  Michelle Gardner reminded the committee that she is a split between the ADRC and APS, with 50% going to each area.


Public Comment:  None



Kay Anderson submitted an application to become a member of the Committee on Aging.  Kay is known to several members of the committee, and has knowledge of many services offered to older adults in our community as well as gaps in services.  After review of her application, a motion was made by Mark Kay Poehlman, seconded by Patricia Craig to nominate Kay to the empty seat created upon resignation of Steve Stead.  Committee still holds application of David Pinno who remains interested in a position.  There being no further discussion, motion carried.



Tracy and Michelle gave a general overview of the services provided by Adult Protective Services (APS) as well as the limitations in the law.  Also explained were the differences between Power of Attorney and Guardianship.  A situation was discussed in which a Power of Attorney was changed in another county from the original that had been drawn up in Waupaca, and competency of the person at the time of the second POA was questionable.  Unfortunately the law does not provide for one county APS to question the actions of an attorney from another county, and this becomes a legal issue in and of itself needing an attorney.



A.     The Waupaca Aging Plan Assessment for the Year 2013 was presented.  There being no questions, a motion was made by Kenneth Renning and seconded by Janice Lytie to approve the assessment.  Motion carried.

B.     Christie talked about a book she is putting together for new committee members,  She also intends to ask new members if they wish to get together part of a day to talk about the functions of the unit and how the Committee oversees the programs.

C.     Linda Camp, Information and Assistance Specialist has resigned to go to Winnebago County which is closer to her home.  On Friday, Paula Griebler, a social worker in the behavioral health unit, will be starting in this position.

D.     Nutrition Site Report - The move of the Weyauwega Nutrition Site was highlighted.  The change of building is very positive for participants.  The new site is very bright and sunny, as well as there is parking immediately outside the door so no streets have to be crossed.


Mary Riske at the Marion site is busy making plans for the annual dart tournament.


There is a new site manager in Iola, Pat Rosemann.  Mary Maxwell, previous site manger, has taken on the overall management of the dining services for the Iola Nursing Home and Assisted Living.  Pat has worked for Mary, and is familiar with the participants and the program. She is very eager to continue such good services.


Waupaca and Weyauwega sites have been experiencing problems with their new cater, Bethany Home.  The problems vary between inadequacy of portions, improper temperatures of food upon arrival at the sites and some food not being the best quality.  Janice Lytie is a volunteer at the Waupaca site every day.  Janice brought a bone shard that had been in the pork chops and gravy on Monday.  She said that many pieces of bone were found in the gravy and it was impossible to take all of them out without reducing the quantity down to less than they could serve.  Christie said that she had been in contact with Bethany and would set a meeting with them to talk about added problems that Janice talked about that had not been communicated to Christie.    Christie also said that she would remind site managers that they are not to send food out or serve food at the sites that is not safe or is unfit for consumption.


VII.           ADJOURN -A member of the Committee had to leave for another appointment.  This would leave less than a quorum.  Motion was made for meeting to be adjourned by Mary Kay Poehlman, seconded by Janice Lytie.  Materials necessary for discussion will be brought forward to the next meeting.  Motion carried.


VIII.        Next Meeting – April 1st, 9:00 a.m. at the Courthouse, 811 Harding Street, Waupaca, the back of the County Board Room.


Respectfully submitted by



Christie Gonwa,

Aging and Disability Resource Unit Manager