July 24, 2012


This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting.


Chairperson Patricia Craig called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at the New London Senior Center, 600 W. Washington St., New London, WI, 54961.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Stead, Wayne Laux, Patricia Craig, James Boyer, and Caroline Murphy.




ALSO PRESENT: Beverly Laux, Pat Enright, Peggy Strey, Kristine Wiegman, Kimberly Ebert, Kenneth Renning, and Janice Lytie.



Motion to modify agenda, requesting a change to the next meeting date - from September 25 to September 26, 2012, due to a schedule conflict (conference), made by Caroline Murphy and seconded by Wayne Laux. Motion carried.


II.     REVIEW AND ACCEPT MINUTES OF MAY 22, 2012:  Motion to accept agenda made by Wayne Laux and seconded by James Boyer. Motion carried.


Public CommentA roundtable of introductions ensued as there were others ascertaining future interest in committee membership present. New London Senior Center/Nutrition Site Manager, Kimberly Ebert, stated things were going well.



Peggy Strey and Pat Enright are on the road this summer offering Public Hearing presentations at eight locations throughout the county asking for public input which is required as part of the 2013-2015 Aging Plan. Other than this there are no changes in staff as well as a few projects on the horizon (discussed later on in the agenda)



A.  GWAAR Program Update – May 2012 newsletter included in this agenda mailing. GWAAR offers us guidance and support related to Older Americans Act programs.

B.  Aging Plan Amendment for Title III-D Funding –Evidence-Based Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Programs are overseen by Nancy Krueger within the COW consortium. This has become an increasingly busy area for her to manage so, Volunteer Coordinator, Kristine Wiegman, was approached to assist with this. Kristine will soon be attending a Train the Trainer course in Madison and her hours will increase under this umbrella of responsibility overseen by the consortium.

C.  Other – No report at this time.


V.        COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP – New Member Recommendation

A.  New Committee Recommendations - Both Kenneth Renning and Janice Lytie are considering committee membership and both offered brief bios citing spirits of volunteerism and a desire to help others as their motivating interests. Neither was prepared to decide on formal membership at this meeting, so the issue was tabled until the next meeting, therefore, no action needed. Another person has indicated their membership interest, but they were not able to attend this meeting. Caroline Murphy’s membership will expire at the next meeting as her service time will be exhausted, thus prompting a need to replace her.

B.  Committee Configuration Recommendation – We have wrestled with committee membership and used to have by-laws for this committee, but approximately 5 years ago they were folded under the umbrella of the Department of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee Policy. The Older Americans Act requires certain parameters  be met, as outlined within the Wisconsin Aging Network Manual of Policies, Procedures, and Technical Assistance – Fall, 2004,

3.6.3 Term Limits

The Wisconsin Elders Act places limits on the terms of office for members of commissions on aging. This ensures that the aging network continues to develop new leadership and benefits from new ideas. “Members of a county or tribal commission on aging shall service for terms of 3 years, so arranged that, as nearly as practicable, the terms of one-third of the members shall expire each year, and no member may service more than 2 consecutive 3-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments. A county or tribal commission on aging member appointed under par. (a) 1, may be removed from office for cause by two-thirds vote of each county board of supervisors or tribal governing body participating in the appointment, on due notice in writing and hearing of the charges against the member.”

(§ 36.82 Wis.Stats.)

Note: County supervisors may not be appointed past their two-year elected terms. Therefore, to comply with state statutes, county supervisors may serve no more than three consecutive two-year terms.


In speaking with the County Clerk, Corporation Counsel and the DHHS Director, it was determined that we can set parameters of our membership for DHHS Committee approval for warranted flexibility, in light of the fact that we are not a committee that makes dollar decisions, but rather recommendations to the broader more authoritative DHHS committee. Pat asked for committee input on this prospect. Comments included the need for a broad flavor of the county as a whole regarding overall representation of its seven major communities.  A question on whether or not this would affect the already approved and submitted aging plan was raised with Pat stating that the plan is a report of our makeup at the time of submission and has no bearing on this posture. If a minimum number would be procedurally affected it would affect the quorum only in that as in all quorums there must be %50% plus 1 in attendance  which means that if it were set up this way it would be based on majority of attendees. As an advisory committee Roberts Rules can be relaxed, which allows us more flexibility. Some felt it needed to be a quorum of positions representing each community equally and thought perhaps the site managers could be useful advocates in this process, which they often are in procuring new representation, but even their efforts can be exhausted in vain as this is often difficult as membership is a coalition of the willing. We are always recruiting but not always successful in that area of recruitment. Perhaps county board supervisors can recommend someone from their community of representation. Pat will also redouble efforts on procurement of membership and, at the next meeting, a recommendation of the number serving the committee, including a possible motion to expand, will occur. No action is needed at this time



A.  Site Updates – The site managers met on July 17th as part of their bi-monthly staff meeting and all report things to be going smoothly. All site managers are committed to running good programs. The sites will be highlighted as our cover story on the next ADRC Connection, distributed in September, to draw public attention to them and their offerings. The sites are celebrating 40 years in service this year - 2012. With rising grocery prices we will likely need to address requested increases to existing caterer contracts – the contracts expire at the end of 2013 – at the next meeting.

B.  Nutrition Advisory Council –Steve Stead spoke of the money struggles due to tight government budgets which led to a discussion on the increased donation recommendation of $3.50. Some feel the cost deters attendance, but in general most feel it won’t and are in agreement with the “suggested” price, which we must continue to reaffirm. Although increased donations are necessary to maintain operations at the current level, which people tell us they want; our intent is not to insult. This is only one strategy of many under consideration. Pat offered to speak privately and respectfully to those taking issue with the posted increase.

C.  Donation Strategies – We are implementing the billing of meals to new home delivered meal recipients (and some congregate). GWAAR recommended this strategy, which has proven profitable in other counties. Another strategy is in the creation of a not for profit to attract tax deductible donations.

D.  Delivery Driver Handbook – Kristine Wiegman routed samples of the Volunteer Driver handbook she and Pat recently compiled, to be made available at each site and to each volunteer who will be required to provide a signature page identifying their compliance in reading and understanding its content.


10:05 AM - Pat Craig called for a 5 minute break

10:10 AM – Pat Craig called for the meeting to resume.



A.  2013 to 2015 Aging Plan and Survey – Survey sample routed. The surveys include a caregiver component.  Pat spoke of its development, with the assistance of Nutrition Advisory Council member, Dr. Janet Reilly. It is being handed out at each public hearing and at the nutrition sites and a link to the survey has been incorporated into the county website.  Caroline Murphy has volunteered to compile the results of the written returns, with Dr. Janet Reilly providing the computer linked results. 

B.  Volunteer Program – Recommendation for Calculating the Value of Volunteers

Our volunteers are currently valued at $10.00/hr. Waupaca County is largely overmatched in in-kind dollars. After researching current volunteer hourly values it was determined that a legitimate recommendation would be to increase this figure to $18.00/hr. Pat based this on his research of Wisconsin volunteer hourly values, which were found to be $18.20/hr and $17.85/hr. This will not only legitimize the value of the volunteers but will honor them as well. It has been more than 10 years since this rate was last increased, which Volunteer Coordinator Kristine Wiegman strongly advocated for. A motion to increase this value, effective 1/1/2013, was made by Caroline Murphy and seconded by James Boyer. It was also decided that this value would be reviewed annually for more regular adjustment when necessary.


Kristine Wiegman reports:

The Volunteer Picnic will be held on September 14th. There have been some very generous givers to date and Kristine will be spending a large amount of time procuring many more as the picnic is supported solely by donation.  We were fortunate again this year to have the support of Community First Credit Union in providing the posters and invitations and for completing the mailing to more than 600+ volunteers. The mardis gras based theme is Jazzed about Volunteers! The Shamrock Club of New Dublin (New London) donated money to sponsor the band, The Geriatric Gentlemen of Jazz.


C.  Elderly Benefit Specialist – The public hearings have provided for resounding kudos to Kathy Austin for all the help she gives, which is hugely appreciated.

D.  Transportation Program – The Transportation Committee met on July 12th where a successful conversation about expanding ridership services occurred. We do have some dollars and would like to see if we can fill transportation gaps. We had hoped other entities would offer the use of their vehicles in a more coordinated effort, but that was not the overall consensus, so we will be reaching out to churches and other groups to find more willing partners. The county does own quite a few vehicles, including some at Wisconsin Veterans Home, which can also be used in these efforts if desired. We are utilizing the mini bus more and more for group use.

E.  National Family Caregiver Support Program

Attention was called to articles in the last ADRC Connection (Summer, 2012)  re: Alzheimer’s Walk, Caregiver Page and Share the Care.



A.     Waiting List – 22 individuals were enrolled in long term care in May and June and there are currently 21 more being attended to. We are almost near the end of the waiting list. The ADRC I & A workers have been working hard at this and their hours have been increased to 40/wk to accommodate this.


B.     Prevention – Information on programs to promote senior health and wellness was routed. 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 daily.


C.     Other  – None.


IX.     NEXT MEETING – ** September 26, 2012 – 9:00 A.M. –Waupaca County Courthouse. ** changed from September 25 date


X.        ADJOURN – Motion by Steve Stead, second by Caroline Murphy, to adjourn at 10:35 AM. Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted by



Peggy Strey,

Secretary - Aging and Disability Resource Unit