June 8, 2011

                        LL 42

                        Courthouse, Waupaca

Chair Federwitz called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Present:   DuWayne Federwitz, Paul Hagen, Darrell Handrich, Joe McClone, Don Morgan & James Boyer


Also present:   Dean Steingraber, Brian Haase


Federwitz gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by McClone, seconded by Handrich to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Morgan, seconded by Boyer to approve the minutes of May 11, 2011 Road Trip meeting.  Motion carried.


Hagen noted that he found the Road Trip Tour very useful.


Federwitz noted that Heidi Dombrowski could not attend due to Finance Committee meeting.


Federwitz had committee read e-mail exchange between him and Dombrowski displayed on screen.  Steingraber commented that the Management Team had originally arrived at those estimates during their meetings last year. Highway Committee had requested $4.6 million to make up for the $1 million cut in the management team request.


Steingraber explained the ramifications to the State Joint Finance decision to limit government projects to $100,000 without using private contractors.  He also stated that Waupaca County averages $250,000 of Federal money per year.


Hagen asked about the effects of that legislation to the Highway Dept. workforce.  Steingraber projects that he will eventually be down to 45-50 employees, from the current 65 or more, through attrition.  This will be sufficient to maintain winter plow service for state and county highways only.


Morgan stated he would like to see a time frame for bonding projects to end.  6 years was discussed.


Steingraber noted that 5 miles per year is their current capability for road reconstruction at an approximate cost of $750,000/mile rural or $1,000,000/mile for urban roads.


Hagen commented that all construction would ideally be done now with respect to inflation, oil prices, material costs and interest rates.  $37.5 million in bonding to was discussed to cover 50 miles of reconstruction with a 15 or 20 year repayment period.  Hagen suggested a 6 year plan for reconstruction.  Steingraber suggested that the 50 miles needed could be narrowed down to those that are absolutely necessary.  Steingraber also noted that the contracted work that would be necessary to achieve more than 5 miles per year would not be cheaper due to private contractors using the prevailing wage.


Steingraber stated that he would like a financial plan laid out for him by this committee to operate by.  A plan that this committee would be comfortable with.



Federwitz suggested that a joint committee should be convened with the Highway committee.  Also another road trip tour should be planned for other County Board members to attend.  Morgan said he would like to see a unified position on the road bonding issue from both committees presented to the July session of County Board.


Federwitz summarized that this committee would be comfortable with $4 million/year ($8 million/biennium) for a 6 year period.  Committee members should attempt to address the issue during the June 21st County Board Tour.


Motion by Hagen, seconded by Boyer to hold a joint meeting between this committee and the Highway committee on June 16th at 9:00 a.m. at the highway shop (office) in Waupaca.


Motion by Boyer, seconded by McClone to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.


Submitted by,




                                                                                                DuWayne Federwitz
