March 5, 2014

Room 1068

Courthouse, Waupaca

Chair Federwitz called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.


Present:  Chair DuWayne Federwitz, Suprs. Joe McClone, Don Morgan, Mary Kay Poehlman-excused, Darrell Handrich--excused, John Penney.


Also present:  Roger Holman and Mary Robbins


Supr. Federwitz gave the open meeting statement.


Agenda:  Supr. Penney moved and Supr. Morgan seconded the motion to approve the agenda. 


Minutes:  Supr. Morgan moved and Supr. Penney seconded the motion to approve the minutes of Jan. 20, 2014.


Updates on 2014-2017 CIP Projects.  There will be some questions on the listed projects that will be presented to the Finance and HR Committee.  Questions were asked about the Grandstand Pavilion, there were no objections to the fiber optics being run to Lakeview Manor.


Roger Holman said that the City of Waupaca is interested in the fiber optics possibly going past the airport and that they are setting up a meeting with the Waupaca City Administrator to discuss options.


Lakeview Manor remodel project, Supr. Morgan questioned the business plan.  Discussion on making the feasibility of selling the home in the future if necessary by remodeling it up to standards that are acceptable and more saleable.  Chr. Federwitz doesn’t feel we have misused the taxpayers’ dollars by taking care of our elderly and more challenged citizens.  He felt we should do the responsible duty and repair the facility to a marketable facility for the future; we are looking at taking care of our aging population.  We need to look at the big picture to upgrade for the future and work to keep it fiscally sound.


Lakeview Manor Administrator Melissa Drews sent a response to a letter received by Susan Borchardt in regards to Lakeview Manor Nursing Home.


Tax Impact on the bonding would be approximately $3.20 for $100,000 home.  Chair Federwitz would like to see County Board Chair Koeppen make this committee an annually appointed committee with the Dept. Head Task Force.


Adjourn.  Motion:  Supr. Penney moved and Supr. Morgan seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:32 a.m.  The motion was carried, meeting adjourned.


Mary A. Robbins

County Clerk