Waupaca County Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice


Minutes for December 17, 2014



1. 7:35 am called to order by Sherry Fisher in Connie Abert's absence.


2. Present: Connie Abert, Mary Lea St. Thomas, Greg Watling, Clif Morton, Bill Lipschultz, Mark Zachow, Joyce Boyer, Brett Rodenz, Sherry Fisher

Excused:  Connie Abert, Kasey Kaepernick, Laurie Schmidt


3. Open Meeting Statement was posted.


4.  Joyce Boyer moved to approve the agenda, second by Mark Zachow, motion carried.


5. Joyce Boyer moved to approve Oct minutes (no meeting in November), second by Brett Rodenz, motion carried.


6. Treasurer's Report:  Savings Account:  $1,687.05.  Checking Account:  $393.70.

Mark Zachow made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, second by Bill Lipschultz.  Motion carried.  (Sherry was given a $1,000.00 check from ThedaCare to be deposited in our checking account to help offset the expenses of the Heroin Summit.) 


7. Information Sharing Program/MOU Interagency Agreement Update:  Brett Rodenz reported that Rise Together was presenting in Manawa/Weyauwega School tonight.  Waupaca will also be doing Rise Together. 

MOU - Brett Rodenz stated that the Sheriff Department has a separate policy regarding sharing of information.  Each department to look at state statutes and department policies. 


8.  Educational Session Wrap-Up: There were 130 attendees to the session.  We had all positive remarks.  Discussion took place and here is a sampling of the comments:


a.  We should continue to look for sponsorship of the information sessions in the future.

b.  First time usage of heroin creates an addiction.  Marajuana is being laced with heroin.

c.  Advertise for more public attendance.  Broaden to businesses and the general public.

d.  80 - 90 percent of people know of someone using heroin.  80% is family usage.

e.  Expand to include prevention, motivation and parent education.

f.  All agreed the food was fantastic and the facility was great.

g.  Suggestion made to do a follow up survey, including teens/students.  (Suggested question on the survey:  Are you interested in becoming a WCACCJ member?)

h.  Media - Invite local TV to video and run on local cable programming.

i.  People talked to one another - learning experience for all attendees.

j.  Set date ASAP and get brochures/advertising going early.





9.  Election/Nomination of Board Members Discussion:  Tabled until next month.


10  Membership:  Ongoing.  Ask Connie Abert if Kaye Thompson can be a member even though she does not live in Waupaca County.


11.  Roundtable Sharing: 

Brett Rodenz may be leaving the school system.  He will keep us informed.

Sherry Fisher is retiring on December 31 from her position on the Community Action for Healthy Living Coalition.  She will stay with WCACCJ as a concerned citizen, not as a Tobacco Prevention and Control Educator.

Joyce Boyer shared information regarding a statewide program called Treatment Alternative Diversion (TAD).  The goal is to assist with non-violent offenders to prevent them from going to prison.  Ray Luick is willing to speak to us on March 25th at 7:30  Joyce will inquire more as to the county involvement of this type of program.

Greg Watling shared that the New London CHAT teams are working on a mentoring program  If you know of other county programs that are mentoring, please let Greg know.

Clif Morton stated that the architectural drawings are complete for the Emergency Shelter in New London.  The building can accommodate up to 19 people. The Mission of Hope of New London and churches will act as a filter to help place people in the shelter.

Bill Lipschultz:  Bill stated that his friend is still willing to help and fund a mentoring program.

Mark Zachow:  Sgt. Gene Meyer is retiring from the Clintonville Police Department after 28 years of service.

Brett Rodenz:  Shop With A COP was greatly received.  18 New London students and 15 Waupaca students attended.  Brett said it was a great day.


Next Meeting Date:  January 28, 2015 at 7:30 am in the D.A Conference Room (3rd floor)


Greg Watling made a motion to adjourn, second my Mark Zachow.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30 am.



**Greg Watling, Mark Zachow, and possibly Joyce Boyer are unable to attend in January**




 Respectfully Submitted



Sherry Fisher, Secretary/Treasurer

Approved 1/28/15