Waupaca County Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice

Minutes for June 25, 2014


1. 7:35 am called to order


2.  Roll Call:

Present: Greg Watling, Bill Lipschultz, Sherry Fisher, Terry Taylor, Clif Morton, Kasey Kaepernick, Mary Anich, Joyce Boyer, John Thiel, Laurie Schmidt

Excused:  Connie Abert, Mark Zachow, Mary Lea St. Thomas


3. Open Meeting Statement was completed.  Introductions were done.


4. Joyce Boyer moved to approve the agenda, second by Greg Watling, motion carried.


5.  Joyce Boyer made a motion to accept the May meeting minutes with the spelling correction of her name, second by Clif Morton, motion carried.


6. The treasurer report is as follows:  Savings Account $1,597.08 and checking account $393.70.  Bill Lipschultz made a motion to approve the treasurers report, second by Joyce Boyer, motion carried.


7. MOU - No discussion at this time.  Joyce Boyer shared that she attended a Criminal Justice Conference in Stevens Point put on by the Wisconsin Counties Association.  The focus of the seminar was explaining the TAD Program (Treatment, Alternatives and Diversion Program), which several Wisconsin counties have adopted.  This program is for non-violent offenders, and it offers alternatives to prosecution and incarceration.  There are grants available to counties who apply and are chosen for the program.  Also stressed in the conference was the need for greater cooperation among county agencies and units of local governments.  If our local Criminal Justice Committee is interested in learning more about the TAD program, Joyce has the contact information.


  Educational Session Discussion: 

ˇ         Suggestions for the educational session included heroin with Brad Dunlap presenting.  Mental Health with a presenter from Winnebago County Health and ACES presentation by Kasey Kaepernick.  Gateway drugs such as RX drug misuse to progression to heroin.  Kasey Kaepernick also suggested the Rise Together presentation.  The Rise Together presentation is presented by 2 recovering heroin addicts.  It is a powerful presentation.  Two dates are being considered:  November 7 and Nov. 14.  November 7 was the first choice of the committee.  Winnebago County will need to be contacted for their availability and Rise Together will need to be contacted by phone at 920-277-0328 or weallrisetogether@gmailcom.   Connie will begin drafting a brochure for the event.


10.  Motion was made by Joyce Boyer that we accept Laurie Schmidt (representing New London School District), as a new member, second by Terry Taylor,  motion carried.


11.  Roundtable Sharing - Bill Lipschultz shared a local business man's wish to help children.  Bill has helped this gentleman to define his goal and be more specific in his method of help.  There is a coming together of local business people to serve as a founding committee to put into place a program that will help children who otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to be included in various activities, sports, etc. Community involvement has been very good with more businesses, schools and community organizations becoming involved. 

Clif Morton shared that on the afternoon of August 20, 2014, a ground breaking for Eco Park will be held. 

Eco Park and Fresh Start Program connects kids with jobs. 

Greg Watling is on the New London Community Action Team that will work on mental health issues.


12. Joyce Boyer a motion to adjourn, second by Bill Lipschultz, motion carried.  Adjourned at 8:18am.


 Next Meeting:  Wed., July 23rd in the D.A. conference room/Courthouse at 7:30 am.


6/26/14  Submitted by Sherry Fisher     Corrections submitted 7/25/14

Approved: 7/25/14