Waupaca County Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice

Minutes for March 26, 2014


Present:  Mary Lea St. Thomas, Greg Watling, Mary Kay Poehlman, Terry Taylor, Mary Anich, John Snider

Excused:  Sherry Fisher, Connie Abert

The meeting was called to order by John Snider at 7:35 a.m.

The Open Meeting statement was shared.

Motion by Poehlman/Anich to approve agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion by Watling/Poehlman to approve minutes of Feb meeting.  Motion carried.

Motion by St. Thomas/Poehlman to approve minutes of February meeting.  Minutes were amended to correct spellings of heroin and overdose, and spelling of Rep. John Nygren under item 8.  Motion carried.

Treasurer was excused from attendance at the meeting and therefore no report.  Motion by St. Thomas/Poehlman to table until the April meeting.  Motion carried.

Information Sharing Program/MOU/Interagency Agreement update was unable to be presented due to Connie Abert’s absence.  Motion by St. Thomas/Anich to table until the April meeting.

A brief discussion was held about the Educational Session.  Mary Lea St. Thomas reported that she has spoken with Law Enforcement Agencies and Greg Watling reported he has a contact at the Winnebago County Mental Health Facility.  Both agencies agreed to be a part of our program as needed. Mary Lea also reported that the Waupaca County Sheriff’s Department is working on putting information together for parents related to drug use.

There being no one to elect or nominate to our Committee, a motion was made by St.Thomas/Taylor to table the discussion.  Motion carried.

During  roundtable sharing, Mary Kay Poehlman reported that Naco is holdinga Juvenile Justice forum in Cook County, IL, May 8-9, 2014.  She plans to attend.  John presented a flyer about a Community Action for Healthy Living presentation that was held at the same time as our meeting this morning  related to current drug trends in the Fox Valley with a focus on heroin and synthetic drugs.  That led to extensive discussion concerning the rising heroin use in the County.  Mary Kay also reported that she had attended the National Association of Counties Legislative Conference and learned a great deal, including several items (not named specifically) related to the Federal Budget that may impact the County.

Mary Kay also reported that she was in discussion with the Waupaca County Sheriff’s Department officials regarding the mental health for inmates in the Waupaca County jail.  The question arose related to prescribed drugs that are unable to be dispensed in the jail.  The question was, “where did this rule (these rules?) come from?  Several indicated that they would like to find out more.

John Snider reported that there is a problem with stolen property being pawned and then it becomes difficult for the original owner to get their items back when recovered.

Next meeting date:  April 23  in the District Attorney Conference Room, Waupaca County Courthouse.

Motion by Watling/Taylor to adjourn at 8:16 a.m.  Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Greg Watling


Approved:  4/23/14