Waupaca County Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice

Minutes for February 26, 2014


1. 7:37 am called to order


Present: Connie Abert, Mary Lea St. Thomas, Greg Watling, Mary Kay Poehlman, Bill Lipschultz, Sherry Fisher, Terry Taylor

 Excused:  Mark Zachow,John Snider, D.A.


2. Open Meeting Statement.

3. Sherry Fisher moved to approve the agenda, second by Bill Lipschultz, motion carried.

4. Mary Kay Poehlman moved to approve January 2014 minutes (with correction), second by Mary Lea St. Thomas,  motion carried.

5. The treasurer report is as follows:  Savings Account $1,242.34 and Checking account $403.70.  Mary Lea St. Thomas made a motion to approve the treasurers report, second by Greg Watling, motion carried.

6. MOU - No report.

7.  Membership:  Casey Kapernick to replace Terry Brooke.   


8.  Educational Session Discussion:


It was agreed that the community educational sessions are important and will continue.

Following are the suggestions for relevant and current topics of interest with the volunteer member to obtain information and to report back at the March meeting.




Contact person

Heroine use/overdos/etc.

Rep. John Nygen

Sherry Fisher

Suboxone (treatment for Meth)

Stevens Point clinic

Terry Taylor

EMTs training for overdoses

EMTs and ER Doctors

Sherry Fisher

Mental Health issues (lack of services)

Winnebago County

Greg Watling

Alcohol abuse education

Dr. Brown (UW Madison)

Connie Abert

Violence/mental health in Schools

Lori Schmidt

Sherry Fisher


Discussion took place regarding bringing people together to share information and to define the goals, objectives, etc. in order to better serve our communities - such as possible duplications and awareness of what each entity is offering.  Connie will also contact DEA and DHHS for information.  Mary Kay Poehlman will obtain information from the state and county.  Connie Abert will look into DEA - regional and national issues.  Mary Lea St. Thomas to contact the Sheriff Department.


9.   Roundtable Sharing:

Mary Kay Poehlman is going to Washington D.C. for the National Association of Counties Legislative Conference this week-end.

Sherry  Fisher reviewed the 50th Anniversary of the Surgeon General Report and handed out the tobacco portion of the report.

Bill Lipschultz shared a local business man's wish to help children.  Bill has helped this gentleman to define his goal and be more specific in his method of help.  There is a coming together of local business people to serve as a founding committee to put into place a program that will help children who otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to be included in various activities, sports, etc. 


10.  Next Meeting:  Wed., March 26th in the D.A. conference room/Courthouse.


11. Sherry Fisher made a motion to adjourn, second by Mary Lea St. Thomas motion carried.  Adjourned at 9:13am.




2/26/14  Submitted by Sherry Fisher

Approved: 3/26/14