Waupaca County Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice


Minutes for November 20, 2013


1. 7:40 am called to order


2. Present: Connie Abert, Mary Lea St. Thomas, Hon. John P. Hoffmann, Greg Watling, Clif Morton, John Snider, Mary Kay Poehlman


3. Open Meeting Statement


4. John Snider moved to approve the agenda, second by Judge Hoffmann, motion carried.


5. John Snider moved to approve Oct minutes as amended, second by Greg Watling, motion carried.


6. John Snider moved to table treasurers report, second by Judge Hoffmann, motion carried.


7. Connie to simplify names/titles, municipal courts to include New London and Northern Waupaca County municipal court. Also, on page 10 #4 moves to page 11 under the DA responsibility and leave “charged with misdemeanor or felony.    John Snider moves to approve these changes, second by Judge Hoffmann, motion carried.


8.  Judge Hoffmann announces his retirement at the end of the month, therefore is tending his resignation.  John Snider regretfully moves to accept Judge Hoffmann’s resignation, second by Greg Watling, motion carried.     Mary Lea to contact Ashlee Smith regarding membership.


9.  Clif Morton provided update on Fresh Start and ties to criminal justice system.  Discussed recent suicide issues in the county.


10.  Next mtg : Mary Lea will email membership to obtain a consensus about Dec or Jan.


11. John Snider moves to adjourn, second by Judge Hoffmann, motion carried.




11/20/13 Submitted by MLST

 Approved: 1/22/14