Waupaca County Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice

Minutes for February 27, 2013


Present: Connie Abert, Mary Lea St. Thomas, Hon. John Hoffmann, Mark Zachow, John Snider, Mary Kay Poehlman, Bill Lipschultz.


  1. 7:34 AM called to order by Connie Abert
  2. Roll Call 
  3. It was noted that the meeting had been properly advertised and posted.
  4. Motion to approve agenda by John Snider, second by Judge Hoffmann. Motion carried.
  5. Motion to approve November minutes by Mark Zachow, second by John Snider.  Motion carried.
  6. Treasurer’s Report by Mary Lea for Sherry: checking $813.70, savings $722.30.  Motion to approve by John Snider, second by Judge Hoffmann.  Motion carried.
  7. Information Sharing/MOU/Interagency Agreement: John Snider reporting that meeting took place changes have been proposed.  John to locate MOU to modify vs. reinventing the wheel.  Will include respective Municipal courts, as they would potentially have involvement as well. The hope is for a final draft to be completed and presented at the next Chief’s meeting.  Will report back at March mtg.
  8. Educational Session: the morning of Friday March 8th at Manawa City Hall.  Connie will provide equipment for the speaker.  Mary Lea and Connie will purchase snacks to be reimbursed out of registration money that day, with receipts, balance and donations being provide to Treasurer.  
  9. Mission Statement modifications: John Snider proposed and made a motion to strike “WCACCJ” and “through a granting process” second by Judge Hoffmann. This modification will be noted and is up for discussion and vote at the March meeting.
  10. Membership: still looking to find a Fresh Step CAP person.  Connie to follow up.  Motion by John Snider to take CAP person off advisory committee until a replacement is found, second by Mark Zachow.  Motion Carried.
  11. Roundtable: Mark Zachow is looking for educational program ideas to present in Clintonville.
  12. Next Meeting Date March 27, 2013


Motion to adjourn by Judge Hoffmann, second by Mary Kay Poehlman. Motion carried.




Draft respectfully submitted by mlst

Approved: 3/27/13