811 Harding St., Waupaca, WI  54981, County Board Room, First Floor


Most County Board meetings are held on the

 Third Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. as follows, with exceptions, as noted:


January 20


February 17


March 17


April 21


May 19


June 16 - County Board Tour


July 21


August 18


*September 15  – *subject to change depending on the WCA Conference


October 27 - last Tuesday of the month


*November 10. - Budget 2nd Tues. 9:00


December 15


DEPARTMENT HEADS (AKA MANAGEMENT TEAM) MEET EVERY SECOND TUESDAY AT 7:45 a.m.. COURTHOUSE ROOM 1037 (notified through e-mail if date, time or place changes)